H.S. Buccaneer S2B, 12 Sqn., RAF, Lossiemouth, Scotland, 1985, Group Build.

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Still in the 'yet to be taken' mode mate. I haven't done any modelling over the past few days, due to feeling a bit rough and stiff hands, plus working on getting all the things done for the 'BoB Bits' thread. Got another session with the Physio Terrorist tomorrow so, given she doesn't wreck things totally, I might get some work done on the Buc tomorrow night.
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At last ! I've finally made some real progress with the Buc - thought I'd never get there !
Those troublesome canyons that were the joints around the jet pipes have been conquered, and are now as smooth and even as they're going to get. The main wings have been assembled - and have stayed stuck, and the empennage has been assembled and fitted. The split 'umbrella' speed brake has also been assembled, in the open position, although it was a bit fiddly in parts, probably due mainly to my stupid stiff hands. This will be fitted to the tail after the model has been painted.
PIC 1 shows the port side intakes and the horizontal fuselage joint. A rough coat of primer has been brushed on, in order to check the joints. This will be lightly rubbed down before painting.
PIC 2. The starboard jet pipe area, again with a coat of primer to check the joints. This was the worst of all of the bad joints, and I'm pretty confident that it will look fine once rubbed down, painted and clear -coated.
PICS 3 and 4. The fin and stabilators in place. The joints were sealed with PVA, and again a rough primer coat applied. There is a tiny bit of further filling and sanding needed around the vertical joint with the fuselage spine.
PICS 5 and 6. The speed brake, assembled in the open position, normal when the aircraft is parked. One piece of the small, central 'hinge' area broke away, and this will be replaced with some plastic strip, and a little more detail added. The joints around the edges of the perforated innner panels were again sealed with PVA, and a primer coat applied to check for gaps.
PIC 7. How the model looks so far, with the wings laying alongside. These will be fitted in the folded position, after the model is painted, and some extra detailing added to the wing-fold mechanism.
There's just a few small tidying-up jobs to do, and she'll be ready for the first stage of painting. It seems to have happened suddenly, after what has been a slight trial getting this far.
Thanks again for your compliments, encouragement and interest, and I'll post some more up-date pics soon.


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Thanks H. Yes, that's correct. The wings will be marked out and painted at the same time as the model, as will the speed brake. Once all the decalling etc is done, and most of the 'fiddly bits', the wing fold mechanisms will be fitted to the inner wing stubs, with some added scratch-built detail and, once set, the folding outer sections will be fitted to these.
But first, I have to convert the Sea Eagle missiles, and back-date them to Martel. I might fit both types, Radar Martel and TV Martel - haven't decided yet.
WOW!! I can't believe that's the same plane Terry! You've really worked miracles on it, no wonder it's taken so long! You're not only a first rate modeler and artist, but also a talented sculptor with a file!

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