H.S. Buccaneer S2B, 12 Sqn., RAF, Lossiemouth, Scotland, 1985, Group Build.

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Haven't tested them yet! The cockpit tub has fallen out twice, and one of the rear joints around the exhausts popped three times before eventually sticking, after a fashion, with large gaps.
Jesus Terry....that is some f*cked up kit! ...you seem to be winning the battle though....while a lot of it looks pretty raw some filling and sanding should bring the B!tch up to scratch....good luck mate!
Ssssorry fffor tthe shshshaky tttyping - I haven't recovered yet ! I think I'll lick it into shape - just hope the b*st*rd stays joined ! Gawd knows what the other , small parts will be like to glue/weld, or whether they'll behave - time will tell...lots of time!
I could say I'm lost for words, but that would be unusual for me. What an abortion of a kit, you should be commended for your efforts Terry particularly as many people would have chucked it long before now. You deserve a special commendation just for your perseverance and determination.
I tell you, it's getting close to being used as a target, or a football !
Anyway, so far so good, the first lot of filler is on and roughly smoothed out, and is almost ready for sanding. Just waiting for it to fully cure. All the rough areas were filed first, followed by sanding, and it's looking hopeful.
Here's the same areas as shown previously, with the Italeri putty on the small areas, and Milliput where it needed to be built up and shaped. If all goes well, I might be able to continue with construction - if the parts will stick of course !


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