Hah ! And they says men are violent !

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Guess what... The man in the video got his revenge on his girlfriend !

I bet it was the last time he touched her ass for a loooooooooong time...


  • Revenge On Girlfriend.wmv
    1.4 MB · Views: 191
Nice to see that I'm not the only one whoes G/friend can be a bit stroppy . Couple of years back she put chili powder in my shorts " Just for a laugh " she said . Still with her though , I must be BARKING .:)
Ive heard worse, about 5 years ago there was story going around that a husband caught his wife cheating on him so for revenge while she was sleeping he got her in the moment or mood and then just when things where going he super gluing her shut down below if you know what I mean. Needless to say it made the news and she made a trip to the hospital

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