I wanted to find a good resource for military aircraft of WW2 so I searched for WW2 Aircraft and this was the first website that came up! Very nice! I've been interested in WW2 aviation for most of my life. My dad was in the 8th AF during WW2. Never too clear on his position though. He had a stroke when I was very young and couldn't communicate very well. I know he was a tech sergeant and had to do with communications. I do recall him showing me a picture of a plane in flight. It was a small, grainy black and white picture and there where what appeared to be tracers all around it. He said he took the picture when he was on a B-17 as the radio man. My older sister said the closest my dad got to the enemy was a german cow. He passed away in '97 so I'll never now for sure.
I used to build models but now it's mostly books and flight sims. I absolutely love WW2 aviation!