Hammered but Home Screenshots!

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Had a run-in with 6 determined I-16s...took 'em all down, but not before they thrashed on me a little

The skin is from an unassigned Fokker D.VII of Jasta 36, 1917.


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Grau, do you fly campaign missions for all of these or are they download from sites like "mission 4 today"?
Grau, do you fly campaign missions for all of these or are they download from sites like "mission 4 today"?

I actually have a ton of missions I made for my friends and myself to fly in...we used to get together all the time and go-A-killin'...

These were all MP that one of us would host, so it's pretty much Team versus AI. Whenever work gets on my nerves, I'll just load up a random mission and go brawling (with or without 'the gang').

It's a great stress reliever
Was working on a project, and had to do a little testing. Got into a great brawl with a Spit and after quite a bit of work, got up on his 6. I gave 'em a short burst and *boom* all hell breaks loose!

Not sure what I lit up, but it rocked my world...that's for sure. It took me what seemd like forever to get the crate back under some control and not wanting to take chances, bailed out.

Haven't been thrashed like that since Rasenpfeil nailed the fuel right dump below my Ju87G


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Haven't run a good mission in a while, so I figured I'd go up for a round. I had good music on and was feelin' like I was going to bring the big hurt to the bad guys.

Well, I just about got my arse handed to me by two flights of YaK-7s. Barely managed to drive them off, and I made a run for home. Almost made it, I was in visual range, then I ran out of fuel...

Must be a Monday...


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Somehow I got her home. In real life I dont think this would have been possible

What happened was that I was bounced on take off by a zero, I had just lifted off at the end of the strip when I was bounced, the outer part of the wing departed, spinning me around in the direction of the strip, only about 20 metres from the final approach point, and somehow she didnt blow up when i hit the strip, she nosed over as i hit the runway, sliding into the parking area.

Was running some missions this evening, and ended up losing another engine...

This seems to be a bad habit I picked up somewhere...

Something I think Oleg really needed to fix about IL-2, is there's no split brakes...trying to keep a one-engined '262 straight on the roll-out is about impossible...but I managed in spite of that!


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Oh my god, I'm sitting here, laughing hard from watching those 3 videos! Thanks for sharing!
There's a video link to video 2 when video 1 has been left running for a while - that train ending...*wipes eyes*
And I've got to admit that I'm very happy to see that I'm not the only one why do strange and mysterious stuff with my poor plane, when getting shot to pieces in IL2...*chuckles*...let it just be sufficient to say that sometimes it does strange things, not only to the plane, but also to "my" anatomy.
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Oh man...I hate that...you survive a mauling and finally get your thrashed crate to the deck safely, then some 'wad comes in and nails you on the ground.

Only thing worse is bailing out near AA...they'll turn those flak guns on ya' and drop you like a bad habit.
Need to breathe a little life into a classic thread here...

A while back, I was running a Z near Smolensk prowling for IL-2s (which I found and hurt real bad) and got jumped by a squad of MiG-3s and a lone YAK-9 on my way home...fortunately I had the advantage of height and speed on them.

Of the MiGs, I took 3 down, sent one home leaving a trail of smoke but the YAK ade me earn the kill I got on him.

Long story short, I tried to make it home and got dang close, but had to put 'er down...the screens will tell the rest

Actually, I bolted out of that flaming mess like a freakin' gazelle...

I was trying my best to keep the shot up engines alive (oil pressure was gone, engine temps were pegged and losing fuel like the fuel tanks were made of window screen), but the fuel lit off and I decided to set 'er down. Gear failed and I bellied in and, well, you see the rest...lmao

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