Happy Stolen Pagan Holidays aka Merry Christmas

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
From my family to yours, I wish you all a Happy Stolen Pagan Holidays! I hope its a good one, and may your celebrations be merry. Be safe everyone.

And to those who have no sense of humor:

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Frohe Weihnachten
Feliz Navidad
Joyeux Noël
Buon Natale
Feliz Natal
С Рождеством
From my family to yours, I wish you all a Happy Stolen Pagan Holidays! I hope its a good one, and may your celebrations be merry. Be safe everyone.

And to those who have no sense of humor:

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Frohe Weihnachten
Feliz Navidad
Joyeux Noël
Buon Natale
Feliz Natal
С Рождеством
What, no dutch? :eek:
Gelukkige gestolen heidens feest allemaal. Vrolijk kerstfeest. :D
Is there a Christmas banner we could put up?
Hey, I did see that!!! Watch it! :mad::p
I have no clue...lol
I knew a German -Russian couple who booked two weeks holiday in January to go back to Russia celebrating Christmas twice a year. I don't know about Germany but in UK it wasn't a holiday for most until fairly recently. The big holiday for my Grandmother was Martinmas on 11 November when workers were paid for the year and had either a week off or left if there was no work.
I knew a German -Russian couple who booked two weeks holiday in January to go back to Russia celebrating Christmas twice a year. I don't know about Germany but in UK it wasn't a holiday for most until fairly recently. The big holiday for my Grandmother was Martinmas on 11 November when workers were paid for the year and had either a week off or left if there was no work.

My German family always celebrates St. Martins Tag as well on 11 November as well with a traditional feast of Goose. Christmas is celebrated the traditional German way on the 24th of December.
It's ugly - but the best I could do. Pre-Christmas greetings to you all from Down Under! :thumbright:


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