Happy Thanksgiving Day !!

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Member In Perpetuity
Jul 10, 2007
Virginia Beach, Va.
Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. To all my Canadian friends [Alex Neil]
I'd like to wish you a good day. Say.....Do you guys do the turkey thing ???

Thanksgiving in the US is where you stuff yourself full of way too much food (Roasted Turkey, Stuffing,mashed Potatos and gravy, cranberry sauce, Bread rolls, and to top it off Pumpkin Pie. Then you drag your sorry, overstuffed backside to the couch and watch Football.
It is not a true Thanksgiving holiday until you have eaten so much that you have to un-button the top of you trousers from overconsumption in order to sit down again. Am I forgetting anything?

Happy Thanksgiving my Canadian friends.
I love Thanksgiving, Now my favorite Holiday of the year. Used to be the 4th of July, but my Mother passed on the 4th of July a few years back so it just is not the same to me.
Can't wait to sink my teeth into that Thanksgiving Turkey!!!

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