Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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thanks, Les. Mine went well too. Artichoke dip, sausage balls, turkey, stuffing, yams and haricot verts with viniagrette salad. Crown and coke and some wine at dinner. Happy, happy man.
We had 2 turkeys (one roasted and one deep fried), a ham, yams, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, sausage balls with mushrooms, veggies, shrimps, deviled eggs, cold veggie platter, giblet gravey, man it was great!
Sorry Erich. Roads are too slick here. Besides my turn is this weekend. No getting on the roof though. To dang dangerous my friend. And you should know better.
ah rats, yes the Oregon/Washington are getting the cold hammer at the moment ............

ah the roof. leave that for last on a DRY Day. doing the bedroom windows now and shrubs
You can send the cold spell to us. 59 to 65 degrees is too warm for December here in Germany.

Looks like it is getting colder starting tomorrow though. Maybe snow in the next week here as well. Would be a good compliment to the Christmas markets.

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