Harrison's Pics.

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
Well, I've been waiting to start a thread for when it began snowing and finally it started today!

Those are just a couple shots up and down the street and into the sky.... it's been raining/snowing all day and snow just began sticking to the ground...


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Yeah that is similar to us as well Chris, nothing much until January/February. Although this year the ski centres are slowly opening just now but there isn't much (~5-8"). Been dumping in the Alps though this week (3ft+) so the skiing should be good come the new year (good for me as that is when I go :D).

Nice pics Harrison, looking forward to when it snows at sea level here, so far it only the hills and all we get is miserable rain.
What kills me is that with that trace amount of very wet cr@p that we got today, people will actually lock hubs, put in 4X4 drive and putter down the road at 15 mph! They kill me!!!!!
Thanks :D

New Jersey ihas a huge range of temperature's year around (as well as most places :lol: ) , it gets really cold at times in Winter but can be reallyyyyy hot in the summer.
Ok... well here are some more...
First pic: Neighbors truck he just finished restoring... yea, he restores the cars right across the street in his garage and if it's sunny, in the driveway.
The last picture is.....

My parents are getting the whole house redone (New facing, additions in various spots, new kitchen and new paint.) and that picture is of the concrete slab for the walk in closet...


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Fair contrast to my Christmas which will no doubt contain some bloody high temps. We hit almost 48Celcius last Feb.

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