Hasegawa 1/32 Fiesler Fi -1B Storch Gran Sasso

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Thanks Guys
Finishing touches added to the engine, exhaust stacks now in place.


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Good stuff Vaughan. Those exhausts bring back memories - I banged my head on one once, when straightening up after reaching for the earthing wire when re-fuelling the darned thing!
Thanks Guys
Looks like I'm going to off the scene for at least a week as have had a steroid injection in my left elbow('tennis elbow' although I can honestly say I've never played tennis) I had the other elbow operated on a few years back and that seemed to sort it out. I've got one more injection that I can have, if that doesn't work it could be another op.
Take it easy then Vaughan, otherwise the injection won't do it's job. I have to go into the hangar tomorrow morning, to have a steroid injection under the right shoulder - again!
The bl**dy needle is about six inches long, and goes right up under the bone! But at least I might get some relief from the pain and discomfort!
Wow that sounds painful Terry, hope all goes well. The pain for me is that not only can I not do any of my modelling I can't do any of my Swing Dancing and I've got a dance coming up on Sunday. So fingers crossed my arms rested enough.
Thanks Guys
The pain is starting to ease. My doctor said that the pain would be worse for the first 24 hours and he wasn't kidding, maybe by the w/e I might think about picking up the model again.
Sorry to hear about your woe's Vaughan, had what they call golfers elbow a while back and it played havoc with the modelling. No I don't play golf.

Hope you can get back to the build, it's looking very good, and like the others, those clamps look real cool.
How did I miss this????? Or did I???? I dunno.

Question: The wiring on the engine, solder wire?
Like so many in here, a lot of food for thought in your builds Vaughan
Hi Bill
the wire I use is lead wire from my local model shop comes in different gauges. Martin things are on the mend maybe some modelling at the w/e.


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Vaughan, grab as much of the Plus Model wire as you can, as I think the general import has been stopped. My local model shop, and an on-line place I normally use, can't get a hold of it at the moment. I found a couple of places who have limited stock, so grabbed some more, and I think one of the 'places' is a Czech individual who 'imports' it himself. I sent some to Wayne over a week ago, but don't think he's received it yet and I'm hoping it hasn't been impounded, being lead.

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