Heinkel He 177

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This is one of the most INTERESTING thread on the forums right now. (IMO) The research you are doing is absolutely incredible. It is sad to hear of the family being wiped out during the course of the war. I admire them as soldiers and fighting for their country. Any soldier from any country (with any kind of ethics) should be loked upon as heroes.
I thank you VERY MUCH for your kind words!
I have started this research only of interrest. As i received the documents and realized what happened there i was shocked.
The reading of the letters really bothers me... So i think it is simply my explicit duty to find those things together and tell that to the world. And you are right in what you say about soldiers. Everyone who will find those tragedys should make the same.. Tell it.... Those things NEVER EVER should happened again.....
This is what interests me the most about researching WWII aviation... the human stories behind the conflict. Who were these people? What were their lives like? What became of them? Through photographs and letters, documents and the spoken word of those who knew them, they can, in a way, live again and tell us of their fate.

Thanks you Tom. I can only echo Snafud1's words and say THE most interesting thread on the forum.
Thanks again to you, Paul!
If i will receive the other documents ( I hope really they are from Hans Sch.) i can continue this research and maybe will find the answers..
After that i will study the fieldpost letters of the other brothers much closer. And maybe...maybe i will open a new thread where i will took parts of the letters in. But i´m not sure about that yet.....
Fascinating, and yet sad and humbling research. It is a great pity that there are not many, many more people like us here on this forum, who can understand and appreciate the losses to families, on all sides, of a whole generation. Those who don't care, don't know, or, worse, disbelieve, should be made aware of all of this and, as you say, made to ensure that it never happens again.
Thank you for your time and courage in posting this information.
Again thanks for your words!

The Soldbuch i received was the wrong one. So the research will take longer. I will post asap if i have some news...
That was a fabulous posting. The HE 177 also operated out of Bordeaux Merignac on anti shipping patrols and carried an anti shipping missile which was deadly. The Heinkel's engine combination was also deadly as was its designed ability to dive bomb! The engines had a tendency to catch fire since they were two engines mounted siames style and overheated easily, an example was built in Eastern Europe as Germany's atomic bomber.
The French company Farman built a four engined example which was used for test work and was scrapped in France in the early fifties - a brilliant posting


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