lol Cocloz, I did bring forth a reference, the most accurate one there is, Reschke's own book (Wilde Sau). And that is despite your completelæy ridiculous dismissal of it as a reliable source. You see Reschke actually flew the a/c and was around when these losses occured, and thus he has first hand information on the subject, completely unlike the dubious references you bring forth.
Also why do you call Hermann a Ta152 fan ? He's a writer researcher, not a fan. And his knowledge is mostly on the technical aspect of these a/c, not unit histories. Oh and btw, where in his book does he conclude anything even approaching what you're claiming in your article ?
Also why do you call Hermann a Ta152 fan ? He's a writer researcher, not a fan. And his knowledge is mostly on the technical aspect of these a/c, not unit histories. Oh and btw, where in his book does he conclude anything even approaching what you're claiming in your article ?