Senior Airman
Maybe a strange what if, but it may be fun.
What Allied fighter, if put into use by the Luftwaffe, would have been most effective at stopping the daylight bombing campaign of the 8th AF.
And its a double edged sword, because if the Germans developed the plane in question, the allies would not have had the same aircraft.
I think the Thunderbolt would have been a very good bomber interceptor for the Luftwaffe. Slow to climb I think would be its worse attribute. Now take that from the hands of the USAAC, and what would they have used in that time period until the Mustang? Corsair as we have discussed? Or would they have been forced to use the P-38 in a large scale? P-40? Or maybe the U.S. would have produced Spitfires.
I think the P-47 (or shoud I say the Re-47) would have been good at downing B-17's and B-24's. How they would have handled interception by the Lightnings and Spitfires would be interesting.
What Allied fighter, if put into use by the Luftwaffe, would have been most effective at stopping the daylight bombing campaign of the 8th AF.
And its a double edged sword, because if the Germans developed the plane in question, the allies would not have had the same aircraft.
I think the Thunderbolt would have been a very good bomber interceptor for the Luftwaffe. Slow to climb I think would be its worse attribute. Now take that from the hands of the USAAC, and what would they have used in that time period until the Mustang? Corsair as we have discussed? Or would they have been forced to use the P-38 in a large scale? P-40? Or maybe the U.S. would have produced Spitfires.
I think the P-47 (or shoud I say the Re-47) would have been good at downing B-17's and B-24's. How they would have handled interception by the Lightnings and Spitfires would be interesting.