Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers,'s a hellofa deal being immobile like this. Though I do get out every so often, I can't do much and it appears now that my fractured L5 isn't healing properly (or is irritated, they're not sure yet...more tests due) causing nerve problems in my legs (i.e.: occasional inability to move them, patchy numbness, areas of burning, etc.) so I have to be inactive until they figure this out.
Otherwise, the foot is healing well, the broken ribs are mending, my shattered collarbone is due to be examined (looking at surgery), both lungs are doing well (left one had the bottom blown out, both had collapsed) and the sternum seems to have mended up well after being seperated.
And of course, we have to add to all that, the stress of the legal nonsense, dealing with disability paperwork, all the bills and pointing those people in the right direction and so on.
Have I mentioned that it's been almost 2 months since I've had a beer? Now that right there is the real tragedy!