Staff Sergeant
Erich said:sys:
the US bomber initiative almost came to a halt after the disaster at Schweinfurt/Regensburg in summer-fall of 1943. It was going through serious growth periods with an ever present thought of not futhering the heavy bomber campagin during the day even with P-47 escorts. the Luftwaffe was bringing it on the US heavies in ever increasing numbers with terrible casualties on both sides.
I repeat the Luftw. intruder program would of negated a pre Normandie buildup on the English coast and everything would of been a shambles.
Until the P-47 with enough fuel and paddle prop the P-47 was limited in its effectiveness. The P-47 escorts at that time, could only go, roughly, to the German border and so were never a serious asset in the long range missions like Schweinfurt/Regensberg.
As for the intruder program, I think the AAF would have moved a few miles further from the coast, beyond the effective range of the intruders. The P-38s were always based at places like Kings Cliff 80 miles or more from the coast. It would have been inconvienient but nothing else.
A major issue was the Germans never had adequate recon on the ground or in the air or they would have been much more formidible - the D-Day buildup is a case in point.