Hurricane Katrina and Me...

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You are right Erich. Scientists, engineers and meteorologists have all talked about the what if that became a reality for New Orleans this week. The scariest part is that it wasn't even a direct hit. With the hurricane season still on, there is always the possibility that they could get hit again.
there are 3 more out there brewing. whether or not they will add up into something dreadful remains to be seen. Seems like utter chaos in New Orleans as the foucs of the media all hits here and to hear the sob stories is depressing. funny I would like to grab a couple of those gal newscaster's and choke them as they look awfully fit, refreshed and well fed as they talk about the deaths and hardships and no water for individuals they have interviewed...................

I think Les's wup ass comes to mind about now
Jesus Christ.......... We are alive.... We now have power.... I had to repair my phone lines due to the damege, but we are ok....

So much to talk about and pics to download, but that will come later... Lost 2 freinds so far that I know of, and saved 2 others from certain death.... More to come.......
ugh, the agony sorry to hear about the lost friends...

share when you feel able enough

thoughts and prayers go out to you and familie/friends
Absolutely. Not to be presumptuous or insulting or anything like that, but if you need anything at all let us know. I'll give what I can. I can't imagine what people are going through right now.
We are doing ok guys, and dont need anything at the moment... Thanks for the offers and condolences.. They are all greatly appreciated.....

When I get situated, I will start up a new thread and talk about all of this...... We have all seen things that we will never forget...
U have no idea whats happened down here... The news cannot translate onto a 26" screen what I have seen down here...

I found 5 bodies so far, and pieces of bodies here and there... Pulled one friend out of the debris from his house by a rope... It didnt even look like him.... This whole thing is like a nightmare.....

Walked 3.5 miles through the debris of Pass Christian to get to my buddy Lloyds house, the guy I fly R/C planes with... His house was leveled, as was every other structure we saw.... Nothing left..... Couple bodies were laying about over there as well...

This event has changed my life folks.....
I may be seeing u sooner than u think evan.. My brother just moved to the Bay area, and I plan on visiting him within 3 months or so.... Would love to meet u and just smile at each other....

We were very fortunate here in Ocean Springs.... Right across the bridge to Biloxi the destruction is far worse, and gets worse as u go West....

From where I live, the cities West of me are as so, getting closer to the eye of the storm...

Ocean Springs, Biloxi, Gulfport, Long Beach, Pass Christian, Bay St. Louis, Waveland, and then the Louisiana State Line.... The eye seems to have past right over Waveland and Bay St. Louis...

Everything 1/2 a mile inland from Biloxi to Waveland is completely and utterly destroyed.... Im a 1/4 mile away from Front Beach, which was wiped clean.... U cant even tell where the debris from the houses went....... Just a slab of concrete, or the stilts that the house once stood on are all that remain.......
les, if you need anythign do not hesistate to ask for it,
i fully understand your situation. in 2001 i meet t.s. allison and lost it all, and 15 days later i almost lose my daugther, but it pales in comparison with your experience, sorry to hear you lost some friends, my condolences.
Holy crap, that really sounds like a big one. I read about Waveland, they said it's almost completely wiped out. Do you know how Keesler faired?

I'm about a 6 hour drive from the Bay area, but when you get out this direction, let me know. I know getting out of the area, even for a little bit would be good for all of you guys, that's why I made the offer.

After the quake of '94 out here, I took some time away after we got things settled back down. Took me a long time to feel comfortable in that house again even then. But just to get out of the area was good therapy.

Hang in there Dan. If you need anything, give me a shout.

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