Hurricane Katrina and Me...

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Les and I just spent like an hour on the phone. Glad to talk to you!!!! PM Email or call!

His descriptions of what he witnessed just about got me in tears!
I actually volunteered to go down on the Athabaskan when she sails, to help out, but they told me no. Quite a few guys stepped forward wanting to help. The scope of the damage is just inconceivable.
My mother in law is on her way to Mississippi this morning to help out in the food distribution relief. I'm trying to find out if she'll be close to Les's place.
Everything is upside down right now.... Just got back from an excursion into an off limits area to find my buddie Paul... I was unsuccessful... His body was nowhere to be found in the wreckage and there was no message saying where he went... I'm fearing the worst...

Im still missing 3 friends, have recovered 2, and 1 was a confirmed KIA.... This place is an utter mess... We were very VERY lucky here at my house...
I'm sorry to hear what happened lesofprimus. I hope nothing happens to your friend and if something did happened, may he R.I.P.
Keep us Updated Les and again let us know if there is anything we could do.

The president of my company said he will match dollar to dollar on donations for Katrina disaster relief.
Well, hopefully, Paul found his way to safety. No message could mean he had to beat feet quick and didn't have time to leave a clue. Good to hear you made it through the area you had to get through this AM okay. Was it as bad as you were expecting, or was it drier?
Oh Good............. I've just opened this thread and I'm shocked. Les, you have my deepest sympathies, this is just crazy......... I saw the devastating floods in 2002 in Prague but compared to this event, it was a gentle merry-go-round ride...........

I'm really sorry to hear it.


PS: How is possible your house is at biloxi, I thought you're in NYC???
He grew up there Pisis - he lives in Mississippi.....

We had a lengthy conversation last night - I wouldn't wish his dilemma on my worse enemy!
Les you're wading in that filth ? ! man can you get a boat please........

you guys will have to seek medical help if your not careful. I know this is something you don't want to hear but no more casualties please....

also anyone going with you on the hunt for lost friends ?? doing this alone has to be terrible

E ~
This sounds bloody appalling Les - Everything that people have said above shares my sentiments.

I don't know the full picture of what you're going through right now, but I get the impression you've done everything that's possibly in your power to find your friends. As Erich says - take no more risks.
Ive got my pics downloaded now, all 260 of em.... Whew........

Yes guys, I have my pal Mike, a former Ranger, with me on our search and recover efforts...

Erich, the area we were trying to get into has been closed off by the NAtional Guard, and even with my credentials, they still wouldnt let me in to look for my friend, so I had to recon another way in, and the swamp/bayou was the only way in, and there was no way to get a boat in there...

So we slogged our way in with headlamps, waders, machetes and shotguns in the dark this morning to get to his place.... It was leveled....

I will be starting a new thread tomorrow with pics and stories.....
lesofprimus said:
So we slogged our way in with headlamps, waders, machetes and shotguns in the dark this morning to get to his place....

Be careful, Les. I fon't know if that's the same thing in Mississippi, but I heard on the news that the Army received the order to shoot on sight... Because there were a lot of rubberies, fights and rapes in Louisiana (more precisely in New-Orleans).

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