Hurricane Katrina and Me...

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Thanks guys...

We did some volunteer work yesterday for the Red Cross and I'll tell ya, people have lost everything, and yet they are smiling and calm and extremely thankful for the assistance that they are recieving...

Thanks to everyone for ur thoughts and your donations/prayers... Its unreal how many people have just the clothes on their backs... I gave away a bunch of food, clothing/old fatigues and bedding items, but it doesnt even make a dent...

This has got to be one, if not the most sobering experience of my entire life....
Thanks fellas....

I just wanna remind u guys that we were the lucky ones here in my town.... Across the inlet from us, Biloxi was leveled.... 4 miles away... People literally have nothing.... Makes me feel guilty sitting here on my computer in the AC....

Yea, I got a tree through my house, but atleast I have a house......
Les, my mother in law is going to be in MaGee, I guess about 90 miles north of you workig a food bank........

She's riding in a semi filled with food gathered from her church, they drove 2 days straight through.
I can't even begin to imagine what folks are going through down there. Folks around here, my wife and I included, have given to relief funds and even offered shelter to those who need it (long way to have to travel though), but it doesn't begin to feel like enough. I put my hand up to go down there on one of the ships we're sending, but was turned down. I really hope people will be able to ultimately put their lives back together somehow. So many folks lost everything. I mean everything. It just staggers the mind.

It's hard to know what to say at times like this. What can you say really?
Joe, man that is excellent.... Imagine if 100,000 churches did the same thing........

NS, u just said it man... U guys have all said it... I know alot of guys here dont go to the Off Topic area often, so I understand why they arent speaking up....

I tell everyone I meet about what u guys are saying, and it helps... Trust me, IT DOES...

Thanks again.........

BTW, we have heard that there are benefit concerts going on for the relief fund.... Anyone know who the artists are that are/were performing????

I would be REALLY interested in knowing which artists care enough.......
friend to your top posting.........What you are experiencing is normal.........normal feelings by a normal person to an abnormal event. Be patient with yourslef man.

The thank-you's to you for the food, clothing may not come toward you but be very assured they are being spoken at some time if to others.

As I said before slow down and don't exert too fast during this insane tramatic times.

will send you a private sometime today; later when I can think straight...
The process of cleanup and rebuilding is going to take a long time. Our thoughts and prayers are with those down there. We have been gathering food and cloting to send down that way in addition to a donation to the Salvation Army for relief work.

Keep the faith Les, and pace yourself man. You have been going full gusto for a week now. Make sure you get some rest too.
I give my full solidarity and friendship to those unlucky people hit by the hurricane.
I can't give a direct help by my hands.

I will send what I can if someone gives me a reliable reference to help who needs.

Strenght and courage,tomorrow never dies, Italy is with you!
I haven't been on in the past few days so I missed this.

It's good to know you're okay, les! My deepest sympathies for you and your friends. But at least you're okay. And a f*ckin' great man you are for helping all those worse affected. Great man, and good luck!
My base where I am stationed at over here in Germany did a food and clothes drive. Me and my wife brought in a whole bag full of clothes that we no longer use, that maybe someone in the disaster area can use.
Man when I tell u that EVERYTHING is needed, EVERYTHING is needed.... People lost everything, including pets and relatives... At the Red Cross up here, u hear people crying everywhere.... Its sooooo depressing....

pD, we are trying to hold it together man... We were spared, so I am trying to do as much as I can for the community.... Im done with the search and recovery thing... I cant do it anymore... Im having nightmares now over it....

Although it was alittle slow arriving, there is alot of aid no here in Jackson County, and more pouring in... FEMA is giving out cash to those who are in dire needs... I am comfortable right now, so we havent recieved anything yet....

Thanks again to all of u and ur relatives/freinds who are assisting Mississippi and Louisiana in this catastrophe.... You will NEVER be forgotten by those u are saving...
As Eagle said, and wishing I was there to pitch in with the many folk need mental help through all of us, just a lending ear so that they can decompress through all this terrible ordeal
just got a note from a cycling friend that Tour de France winner extrodinaire, Lance Armstrong is giving 500,000 US to the Hurricane efforts............

good man !

E ~ 8)

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