If we were animals other humans...

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  • z.jpg
    107.2 KB · Views: 164
Oh come on people!!!! No one is going to post a pic of 102 Hussar? I have been waiting for it since this thread started. lol lol lol lol
lesofprimus said:
Making fun of hussars just aint what it used to be, but I'll try....

Hey guys, I ran into hussars the other day....

ohhhh **** Les, I was drinking a pepsi while I opened this thread and saw that. I had to wipe my computer down after, it was covered in pepsi. I was choking on it, when up my nose. That is funny as hell. LMFAO
:lol: I'm glad I choose to make my cup of coffee AFTER I entered this thread, otherwise I'd probably have ended up in the same situation as Hunter :lol:
Mr. syscom3 ain´t a star wars creature. No.

Rather, he is a tamarin monkey of the south american tropical rain forests.

To confirm my words, attached please find another photo of mr. syscom3 seen here posing for the camera with two close friends right before going out for a halloween party.


  • syscom.jpg
    11.1 KB · Views: 145
I can not believe I had forgotten to include one of the most distinguished, noble, noted and eminent members of the forum: Mister KraziKanuk seen here after his weekly visit to the barbershop.


  • krazikanuk.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 151

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