In remembrance to those who have fallen

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Tech Sergeant
Mar 8, 2009
Riverside, California
Riverside National Cemetery.


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Read a story on a blog comment section the other day, about a guy who was driving around a cemetery, noticing all of the flags over in the military section. He noticed one, though, that was out of place, so he went up to a local VFW guy to inquire about it. Story goes, the gentleman had immigrated to the US not long after WW1 ended, and had joined the VFW at some point, but requested that they not put an American flag out on his grave. They complied with his wishes, but still wished to honor his service ("respect the service, not the politics" thing), so every year, there are hundreds of American flags placed around the cemetery...and one Imperial German flag.
Excellent photo's. Unfortunately for most a holiday that still simply signals the begining of summer's fun.
God protect and keep all those who gave the last full measure


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Excellent photo's. Unfortunately for most a holiday that still simply signals the begining of summer's fun.
God protect and keep all those who gave the last full measure

Agreed. I always remind my coworkers on the Friday before to at least take a moment to remember those that have given their all so that we can live free. I posted this to my facebook for Memorial Day. I was also part of a flyover for Memorial Day. I carry a Memorial Flag on almost all of my flights for all who have, or are serving. To fly for Memorial Day is a huge honor for me.


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