Japanese Maples

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Excellent, Mr. C.

What do you do with your seedlings/starters? You sell them to nurseries or give them away?
A little of both, Matt. I also use the one two year olds for my grafting
attempts. I hit the flea markets and sell the one year old generic JM's for
$10.00, two year olds are $15.00 and the three year olds [if I have any]
are $20.00. They usually don't stay in my possession after two years.

Home Depot sells three to five year old generic JM's for $50 to $75 !!

More later....

You guys remember the tree I moved, back in the fall of 2008 ? Well, it's
starting to open. Took some pic's yesterday. Below are the two pic's for
comparison. It appears the move was successful....



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Charles your maple looks dandy sir ! mine are about 1-2 weeks behind except for the 25 footer under our big Sequoia on the east side of the property, a warm spot if you will and the thing is leafing out all over starting with the bottom first. the Bonsai's well they are just popping with tiny little leaves. now if the 25F temps don't fry everything to pieces
Nice save, Charles! And I'm sure people get a better bargain buying from you than Home Depot.

In answer to Sys' question from last year - I do roses but haven't had the oppourtunity in a while (housing concerns). Had a fairly large flock including a few blues which are hard.
Here is the latest report on the JM seeds so kindly provided by Erich, from
the JM's in his yard in Oregon.

The first 2 pic's are the seedling we've been watching. It's lost it's "baby
leaves" and starting to fill out nicely. This is from Erich's "Sumi nagashi".

Third pic down is the "cone-tainer" which hold 200 seedlings. Of 200 planted,
five did not germinate. The other pic's are JM seedlings that I have planted
anywhere I could find a spot, even in a flower pot saucer !

And.... there are still more seeds in the fridge !!!



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Charles how old is the C.Queen right now ?

mine are still just in bud though cracking allowing the seed pods to pop out and develop rather slowly.
Charles how old is the C. Queen right now ?

As near as I can figure, Erich, about 10 years old. It was one of two that
were in front of Hall Mazda when they remodeled the place. They were put
into 10 gallon pots and left to survive for themselves. I would water them
and moved them into the shade. The construction people would put them
back into the sun, and Id move them. Finally one of them ran over this one
with a pick-up, so I tossed it into the back of my truck and put it in the
ground. It's been in my yard about three years..

well my friend the Acer has nicely accepted it's spot and should be a lovely specimen in no time at all, a slow pruning of those lower limbs and wha-la

E ~
Here are some more pic's of the seedlings. Altho all these seeds came from
two trees in Erich's yard in Oregon, look at the different leaf patterns on both
the red and the green seedlings. Interesting...



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upper: a red lace-leaf Dissectum "Beni Shidare" from my front yard next to a seedling Palmate though next year you may be very surprised Charles how that leaf will look. My red dissectum in the front yard has not taken over it's sector a needs a thinning and shaping

bottom: a palmate red form and to it's right a green dissectum of which I have a "Virdis" so the seed may have come from it accidently, though the first year nothing seems to be normal I have found. I have a host of palmate seedlings everywhere in my backyard, too many to count.

your having way too much fun Charles ~
I admire you guys.There is needed a lot of patience to get such nice plants.:)

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