Small correction, Erich Hartmann was never shot down by an enemy aircraft. He forced down 14 times, several times because his point-blank firing tactic resulted in debris from enemy plane damaging his own airplane. I presume the others were technical malfunctions, running out of fuel, collisions etc.
Kurfurst - wouldn't you say, technically speaking, that when he bailed out when being chased by Mustangs, low on fuel, he was 'shot down' or downed by enemy air action - in contrast with running low on fuel and no place to land safely? He certainly was an 'award' on the other side of the equation.
Serious question - not picking on your explanation
I know when I researched 'unkmown' causes for 355th FG losses - I associated flying into debris as an 'air to air combat loss' , or two Mustangs colliding when chasing a 109, rather than a flying accident, or a forced landing 100 miles away from a strafed airfield as 'flak' rather than mechanical.
Maybe a different philosophy about 'cause'. Would your perspective about Hartmann be a common thread among Luftwaffe pilots?