Lauren Bacall, 1924-2014

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I don't know anything about her politics but do believe that she was one of those rare women who grow prettier with age. She came from a time when celebrity wasn't a license to be a douche.
......a time, when it was up to the actors/actresses and the script, if a movie was a hit or not, not like today, when it's up to the CGI(?), if it's a blockbuster or not....
Mind you, I enjoy good CGI(?) as much anyone, if it's there to help a movie, not to help mediocre, in that movie!
Laureen Bacall was a woman of outstanding beauty and fascination.

But in those times, she was not alone.....

Laureen Bacall was a woman of outstanding beauty and fascination.

But in those times, she was not alone.....

I first saw Veronica Lake in the movie Blue Dahlia and the city downtown had a power failure half way thru.
Had to wait for TCM to come along many years later to see the end. She was a tiny little thing.

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