lord help my Mk-22 how shakey can one get

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
Well, after all my questions, and many great solutions to my indifference, I have my Eduarde Mk-22 underway. Never worked with a detail kit before, so my cockpit is a little Rufff. I have confirmed my wife telling me my fingers are like sausages, these little parts are buggers to handle. But I done me best with the parts I haven't lost. I have lost a gear door, s--t, and will have to do a scratch build to replace it. I have gotten my mold and casting kit, and have done the control surfaces so I can put them in park position, along with trim tabs. So for your comments, here are the pictures so far. cheers, Bill


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I'm liking it so far, Bill. Tweezers replace my sausage fingers.

I don't quite get your plan with the molded parts. Do you cut the original control surfaces off and use the molded ones? I usually re-use the parts I cut off but maybe I'm missing something?
Nice work so far, and CR beat me to it re the control surfaces. I would normally remove the kit parts and clean-up and enhance them as required. BTW, I don't think it's mentioned in the Eduard kit instructions, but Airfix moulded the flap actuator cover as that triangular 'wedge' on the wing upper surface. The flaps wouldn't normally be in the 'down' position when the aircraft is on the ground, so it shouldn't be there. If you do have the flaps down, then it will need modifying. So far, I haven't been able to see what shape it is when open, if indeed there is one, as I haven't seen any sign on the Mk22's I've seen. Previous Marks of Spit had a rectangular cover, with a rounded forward edge, wich opened sideways to inboard, with the actuator rod protruding through the wing. With the new wing for the Mk21/22/24, the flap design and actuator are different, and I have a feeling they are electric.
Thanks for the encouraging comments. I do use tweezers, but still the big mitts get in the way. Yep Crimea I do cut them off and use the molded parts, mainly because I have the damdest time trying to make nice cuts. I learned to do this when I was in Rodney Williams modeling group in the US. He's the one did the "super detailed" P-51. I have found it easier to do it this way, I dance to a different drummer I guess. Any way, today I have trimmed most of the off the casts, and will start cutting them off the model tomorrow, after golf! AF I think there are notes in the instructions about the flap indicator. I may leave them up coz they are not that detailed inside. I hate electric flaps. I learned to fly in a 150D, mechanical flaps, 40 degrees. I was doing some close in touch and goes in a 152, electric flaps. Short runway, touched down about 25 meters in w/full flaps, thru the flap switch up, carb heat off, full throttle, jumped of the runway. Flap motor failure. 2300 foot runway, throttle off, brakes on...... cheers, Bill
Heck, that brought back memories! I had a similar experience in a 172, on a short grass strip. The motor didn't fail, but slowed right down, so I had progressive flap. I'm told that it looked quite amusing from a distance, a Cessna 172 porpoising along the grass!! Fortunately, I cleared the pylons at the far end of the field, and managed to go around again for a good (well, reasonable!) landing!
Oh boy, hangar talk!!!!!!! Airframe you have reminded Me of one. I had a rather large girlfriend, but then I'm no midget... I flew her to a fly-in in the mountains in California, Jamestown airport for a weekend. On the Sunday when we were to leave I waited til the late afternoon, 2700 feet field elevation, warm day and all that. Fortunately the field sloped downhill a little, I cleared the trees at the end of the runway, got to 3000 feet, couldn't get another inch out of the 150, lift the nose, lose altitude. No other obstacles to my home airport. What a trip. Get your license, then learn to fly........ BTW I did my control surfaces today. Will post pics tomorrow. Thanks A4K and roaming. This is my first in about 13 years and I am just starting to feel at home building this thing. cheers, Bill


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Thanks Lucky..... But I have learned lesson number.... well, another one lets say. I have lost almost all of the PE parts trying to attache the sidewalls to the fuselage.... and just decimated my instrument panel fitting and trimming. So, if I were asked I would recommend attaching PE parts AFTER dry fitting and trimming these parts. Gord Ahmighty, it just made me hang my head and wonder what the h*ll, yah know what I mean! Well this is a rather expensive experiment. Arrrrrrh


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Nice update Bill. I see what you mean about those control surfaces. They look great and the cut lines are flawless. Never had a resin kit myself but may have to investigate.

What a shame about the PEs. Hope they're not destroyed and that you can get them back on.
Thanks piet, I am givin it my best go. Crimea, the PE parts are Gone! Have not one clue as to when they departed or where they could be. It will just have to go it without them on this one. The next one I will fit the cockpit Before I paint and detail with PE parts. Thanks for the feedback on the control surfaces. I did do the wings without a casting tho. But on the horiz stab it was easier to do because of the chamfered corner, I am happy with the result. I haveleft it for the past two days, just to recover from the trauma! I will get over it, I promise. cheers, Bill BTW Crimea_River, Michael Buble is cryin a river on Australian Idle as i type............. my wife watches it!
Your wife watches it, eh?

Michael Buble...another Canadian export we are glad to part with along with Celine Dion.:pukeright:

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