Lydd Airshow 09-09-2006

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For a change I decided to prepare and post my photos here again. Haven't done that for awhile, due to lack of time...

Last weekend I visted Lydd airshow. I didn't know what to expect and after a bit of a worrying start (30+ minute queue and an absolute tiny flightline with the runway very far away) I was very pleasantly surprised. The flying was good, varied and since the pilots didn't have a runway to orient on they came much closer than usual.

Special mention should go to the enjoyable show of the Turbulents, the excellent display of the Blades and the spirited demonstration of the Hunter. But all the other items were good too and it was a thoroughly enjoyable show (with great lighting conditions for photographers).

I hope the organisation will be prepared for an even bigger crowd next year (i.e. more ticket offices and a larger flightline) as it was undoubtedly a great success that will hopefully be repeated!!

On to the photos... more here: Skyraider's 3D Aviation Art - Photos - Aircraft - Lydd Airshow


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