Machismo, stupidity and guns

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or the one doing touch and go's and forgetting to lower the landing gear
in my experience stupidity and intelligence coexist together in the brain and one has little to do with another. there is a great site called the Darwin Awards in which total stupitity is on parade. my favorite is the two guys who played "Russian Roulette" with a Colt 1911. never got past the first round! Duhhh
in washington this july two mechancs poured 4 gallons of methanol into a 55 gal barrel, sat on top and lit it. the barrel landed 120ft from the blast. one survived.
or the couple who parked in the right hand lane of a busy fog covered expressway for a "quickie". it lasted until a semi ran over the car and them. (a double award! two while reproducing)
my personal favorite, in 2006, in england a man inserted a Black Cat Thunderbolt rocket into his backside and lit the fuse. paramedics found him barely alive with massive internal injuries
Last edited: personal favorite, in 2006, in England a man inserted a Black Cat Thunderbolt rocket into his backside and lit the fuse. Paramedics found him barely alive with massive internal injuries
I wish people wouldn't keep bringing this up
I made a complete recovery and the nightmares have stopped
Toilet functions are still complicated though...

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