Martin Baker MB2

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 28, 2010
maidenhead uk
yet another rare kit i've dusted off to build,this time just as a break from my other larger project,this kit is a vac form by Airframe dated from 1978

after checking what was in the kit[ie not a lot] i 1st of all i cleaned up and glued the fuselage together

next after rubbing down the mating edges the wings were glued together and then joined to the fuselage

next i gave it a coat of paint as a undercoat and left it to dry overnight

the plastic used is very poor and it will require a lot of filling once dry.

I will leave this now for a few days to harden off before filling and cutting out the cockpit to put in a little detail,i can't find much on the aircraft regarding interior detail so i will just put in the basics as you won't see much once the canopy is fitted
after leaving over night to dry i cut out the cockpit area after eating my corn flakes

then after more filling

i made a small seat then and fitted the canopy

then another coat of undercoat before going off to work to build another larger project

A lot of work has been done so far. I'm looking forward to the final product. Keep working on.

this about the only pic i can find on the aircraft,research says it is olive green all over,type a1 RAF roundels on top of wing and fuselage and type a underwings,does anyone know what type a roundals look like please

undercarrage fitted along with prop made from pen tops

then painted in olive drab

once dry i will try to find some markings in my spares box


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And the rest of pictures I have found via the net.


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I've just used Google and voila..... Believing in captions of these shots it's MB-2. However. the first one seems to be the initial prototype. These next images show late and later variants of the plane. my opinion, it is a very nice subject for scratch building.
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i like the rarer subjects or rare kits myself too,i do have some real jems hidden away including aircraft from germany/japan/italy/usa/france/russia/poland plus a few others,i also have quite a few ww1 and inter war fighter/bombers
the 1st one that comes to mind is a lws.czapla,but there are quite a few others,i will go through them and put on a list
all my aircraft are 1/72nd ,i started using this scale originally as i wanted some detail but was sort of space to store/display afterwards,my original collection of around 1000 rare and interesting kits were collected from about the age of 10-17,this was stolen while in store when i bought my 1st house,my second collection i collected from the ages of 30-45,this proved harder to do although this time round i knew what i wanted due to there being less kits out there and no local modeling shops

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