Mathematical Formulas: suggestions sought....

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Airman 1st Class
Jul 9, 2014
Can anyone recommend a free online user-friendly utility to enable one to type mathematical/scientific formulas in HTML script? You know what I mean; multi-line stacked formulas, superscripts/subscripts, symbols, etc. Thanks.
Hi Zipper. Just flip open any mathematical text and try duplicating a complicated formula in an e-mail. See how far you get.
So, you want the ability to type in the formulas into some kind of window, and it renders the answer?
So, you want the ability to type in the formulas into some kind of window, and it renders the answer?
Hi Zipper, no, no not a calculator just purely the formula with all the complicated symbology. It doesn't have to be a pop-up window, it could just be a stand-alone utility loaded up in another tab and merely copy and pasted into the main text back in the other tab. Any thoughts?
You could try this and copy-paste. Never used it myself though. I'm not sure it'll work as it seems to use LaTeX
Online LaTeX Equation Editor - create, integrate and download

another ide might be to create in MSWord and save to html.
You could try this and copy-paste. Never used it myself though. I'm not sure it'll work as it seems to use LaTeX
Online LaTeX Equation Editor - create, integrate and download

another ide might be to create in MSWord and save to html.
Wow, thanks Marcel, looks promising. I'm near a desktop PC today so I'll give it a test drive in a little while and see how it performs.
Tried a different search term in my browser and came up with these interesting 'hits':
Best mathematical equation writing software [2021 Guide]
EquatIO Math Writing Software. A Digital Math Tool For Teachers & Students Of All Abilities | Texthelp
MathMagic, the ultimate Equation Editor on the planet!
7 Best Free Math Equation Editor Software For Windows
MathType | WIRIS | math & science
.... some are subscription products but a whole bunch are free. Suddenly I've gone from famine to feast! Hopefully, others will also find these of use. Thanks again, Cheers.
So far, this has proved to be excellent: MathType demo - Equations editor Stiil early days though.

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