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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
What do you do when you have a total lack of inspiration? Here I'm sitting with a B-25 that Paul put a lot of work into finding information and Terry doing the decals....still, I can't get my sorry *rse into gear to get her finished or the Beaufighter!
I don't want to just get them finished, ie slap them together, just for the sake of it, because that would be disrespectful and not fair to those that helped me out...

Honestly, this is doing my t*ts in!

The same goes for the '110, that Erich, Paul, Terry and others helped me out with as well.....

Just trying to apologise for taking so long guys....
you have any WW 2 aviation vids ? if so pop one in that should get your creative juices flowing. Then get on the internet and search out other sites with good clear pics of the bird you are trying to piece together. hey we are behind you, lack of inspiration and burn out occurs with everything...........gag, did I say that, well that excludes cycling of course.

hang in there friend; you can always go extreme and combine the Bf 110G-2 and B-25 together and form your very own incredible what if !!

crap if that does not work go take a 5 mile walk and think of a beautiful women
I don't want to just get them finished, ie slap them together, just for the sake of it, because that would be disrespectful and not fair to those that helped me out...
Are they part of a group build?
If not, time out - it's a hobby, not a duty

Happens with everything from time to time - sometimes you just need to breathe some different air for a while.

I don't think the people who helped you would find that disrespectful.
Ok Jan. Now here you have Teamwork. With all the resources you've gotten. You either all share defeat or you finish and all share victory.

Now the second picture that guy was telling me how his model right there is SOooooooooooo much more better than you...... comments?


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Lucky, I'm a sorry son-of-a-bitch. I often use mental images of WW2 aircraft to help me fall asleep. Recently I was thinking about the Doolittle Raid and how the airmen must have contemplated their low level run into Tokyo. Flying so low, the pilot was certainly preoccupied with pure airmanship and attempting to avoid physical hazards. This is most out of the ordinary for a pilot. He would have to designate his shipmates for other critical activities such as navigation, engine/sytem management and fighter identification. Knowing that this was a one way trip in the B-25 makes this a heroic effort by all crews.

The other is the skip bombing accomplished by B-25 crews in the PTO. Examples include Rabaul. Can you imagine the low level attacks with B-25Cs... nose gunner suppressing fire. And rear gunner contributing to the chaos and reporting battle damage to the targets.

I dream of such expoits. God bless them all.
Ok Lucky, now let's reflect on all that we've learned so far...

Set the models aside, and:

1) have a drink
2) ponder the B-25 and how it's crews waded into battle and gave the enemy hell
3) have another drink
2) get laid (this was chosen over girlie pix...for obvious reasons)
3) have another drink
4) set a mouse trap
5) something about a...damn, forgot what it was...oh well, have a drink, maybe it'll come to ya'


did I mention have a drink?

At this point, I seriously doubt we'll be worried about the models...hell, have another drink.

Problem solved!

Here's ur pep talk Jan, right to the heart of it....

Listen jagoff, get u motherfu*kin ass in gear, stop fu*kin around and just sit down and start on something, ANYTHING....

This aint the goddamn time to be screwin around thinkin about pus*y and single malt, its time for u to get ur creative juices flowing and OWN those fu*kin unfinished kits....

Aint no one gonna hold ur hand Brother, sit ur ass down, get out some glue or paint, and FU*KIN GET UR SH!T SQUARED AWAY!!!!
Jeez, that just made me pick up a tube of Testors!!!

Matt, I do the same. Though by the time I get off the field I'm snoozing!
Erich got it almost right, but I think you'd alter it slightly to 'Take a beautiful woman and think about a five mile walk'!!
Now then, seeing you've already had a bollocking from Dan, I won't add anything, except GET YOUR BL**DY ACT TOGETHER ! If you don't mind, that is, old chap, don't you know!?
I feel your pain Jan

I'm in the same boat you are. I have some great models on my bench and I just can't get motivated to do a damn thing. I can't speak for you but by the time I get done with all the things I have to do everyday I'm just to tired.
The amount of time that I've almost fallen asleep at the desk Harrison.....
Anyway, I've taken up on some of the suggestions here, gone back to the Peggy Lou, looking for other subjects, like a 13 from 80th FG, Burma Banshees, no luck as of yet, among other things...
Wayne kindly sent me a 1/48 P-40N with decals for this FG, 89th Squadron I think it is....
Have also replied to an email that I got from a retired Marine Colonel, who's father (a Swede) served with VP-33 flying Black Cats. Would like to build his Black Cat which he flew on the night of September 5th '44, when he sank two Japanese destroyer escorts at masthead hight of Zamboanga....if possible.
Personally, I think it's the dark period and the amount of work at the moment.....being shattered, knackered and what not. Anyway, only work three nights this week and I think next week, so fingers crossed!

Thanks fellas!

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