Me 109 E-7 Trop.

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One question:
Are those camouflaje stains did it to "hand raised"?
I do not know if it's the correct term in English when not using a template or mask and only the strong pulse and control of the airbrush, here in Mexico we say to that technique: "a mano alzada"

Learning a lot from your airplane, Antonio José

Saludos cordiales.

Luis Carlos

The English term is "free hand" which, with my not very good Spanish, is a translation for "mano alzada".


Thanks for reply Steve. Then those stains your 109 you did it to "free hand"? Or you used some other method?

Some nice free hank work their AJ ! I know the feeling when I did my Br20 in 1/72 I was like "yheaaa"
Belíssimo trabalho Antônio!

Excellent work mate! The wings topside camo was really well done.

It is always a pleasure to follow your work.


Thanks to all who follow and comment on this topic.

And after a long journey in the desert finally I finished putting the stencils.

Hopefully now the end comes fast.



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