Cheers Bob!
Ok, latest progress: the Academy kit is OUT, alot of mistakes shape and sizewise. Luckily they got certain details (more or less) right that Revell didn't, so will be cannibalised for parts.
Build now stands as: Grossbombe - old Revell A-1a; Me 262A-2a/U2 Führungsflugzeug - new B-1a/U1.
Of the old kit, only the fueslage halves were previously assembled, single seat canopy insert added, and undercarriage wells removed, nothing else.
Insert since removed, plus forward cowl (to fit scratchbuilt fueslage plug), fueslage sanded to better form (upper nose and fueslage profile too 'sharp'), u/c doors added, and initial sanding completed, to be rescribed and finished when I attend to the control surfaces.
Of the Führungsflugzeug, kit nose removed. (one tail half too to test fit Academy item, but rethought the modification - back in place, awaiting filling and sanding)