Me 262 Mistel combination, projected - Me/ Fw Group Build

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Thanks Terry and Paul, but I disagree. Far from the standards I expect of myself.

Have to say, very disappointed in the undercarriage doors. Seem to be endlessly sanding to no great avail. Any ideas?

Pic shows latest on the Führungsflugzeug doors, sanded, rescribed, to be refilled in certain areas and sanded again...

I don't see much wrong with the gear doors Evan. You're being hard on yourself. Is it possible the doors aren't fully cemented and they just deflect inwards when you sand them?
Cheers Jerry and Andy!

The doors are glued securely, but the gaps around them are too wide for my liking, especially the Grossbombe wings I had cut the wells out of.
As they are, the doors are now almost flush with the wings (with the exception of a couple of problem areas), but the 'trough' around them disturbs me. Thinking to refill all and rescribe.
Tend to agree with Andy, maybe you are being a bit hard on yourself. Having said that Even, what I recently did with a similar problem was to deepen the gaps enough to slip in and glue some slim wedges. When dry I sanded them back and gently re-scribed thinner lines. Just an idea........
Thanks Vic and Terry, never thought of that! Will give that a go!

Cheers everyone for the support! Yes, I am my own worst critic - as an artist it's all part of the territory! (how else would we improve?)
Re the u/c doors and plug though, while they may look okay in the photos, you'll soon notice the problems once the paint goes on - better to correct them now than curse later...
Thanks Wayne, Gerry, Harry and Glenn!

Yep, it's tomorrow here too, but XXXXing camera batteries flat again...

Plug 95% to my liking - be keen to hear your comments when I can load the bloody pics...hopefully tomorrow after work.

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