Me262A-1/U4, 1/48 Dragon

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It is a very kind comment from you Rogi , I also look forward to your company in the process and hope to be to your liking.

Optimizing the time I devoted to review, select and list all the parts that I think are in black color to paint with the airbrush and therefore have joined with glue all these pieces form a given set of the same color. The wheel wall, the gun compartment, turbine uncovered. etc.

I leaned with some rubber bands to get the correct position of the pieces ...

The detail and complexity of the small pieces that make up the turbine, has been a great challenge and I think I came out unscathed !!

11 are parts those that are mounted on only one of the halves that make up a turbine .
I have a number of photographs (some of them provided by my good friend Wojtek), with which I intend to do my best to give different shades of a turbine in service, even to add other components with scratch and wiring seen in the real photos.

The tube that you can be seen in the following picture (the one with 3 points of contact, a straight section and two curved), well, to make it coincide with those 3 points of contact, the structure of it was "a bit off" the area that should occupy within the turbine, once covered by the outer sheet . Should bend the part only by the tubular portion reaches 3 points (how? ) ... The best solution I could think of was to use a hair dryer and medium speed and medium heat, direct it to that area and soften the piece without affecting all other parts. For a shorter space of time I used the maximum speed and temperature and I realized that I could handle the part and bring it closer to the structure in the manner originally due to stay. It made me quite formidable and learned something new for me.
I know I did not invent the "black thread" , but it will be an option to straighten, divert or accommodate some pieces already pasted in our model

And it was not that bad !!

These four photographs of the turbine I took them after having straightened that tube out of proportion. I did not think document my feat !!

This is another small step, I think I have everything ready to apply black gloss to all parts, then apply different metallic shades of Alclad II as appropriate, others remain in black ...

... I leave the last photos of the wheel well and all the parts ready to move to the paint department.

See you soon boys.

Un abrazo Y HASTA PRONTO!!

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Very nice work so far Luis.
Here's a couple of pics of a sectioned Jumo, which might help with details and colours.


  • Midland Air Museum 008.jpg
    141.4 KB · Views: 116
  • Midland Air Museum 009.jpg
    110.2 KB · Views: 105
  • Midland Air Museum 010.jpg
    151.9 KB · Views: 108
Thanks Andy for your comment.
Pleasure to greet you around here Terry and it is precisely this tubular section which "I Straighten" with the hair dryer. Those are some great pictures , I will try to make it as detailed as possible this turbine, ... are enough and tiny wires and tubes that has; and colors give me a clearer idea.

By the way already I have all painted glossy black pieces, hopefully sometime tomorrow to start with the metal of Alclad II.

Me da mucho gusto saludarte amigo.

Luis Carlos
I've been googling this kit since I got mine earlier this year, and although it is really old or because of that, I couldn't find any good build log... And then, just a couple of days ago I find this thread and I see a mexican peso coin in one pic.
Looking forward to more updated on this.


Ahaleman my esteemed, since my accession to the forum I have been curious about some "paisano" of the great "land of Tequila". It has caused me a great pleasure to find another Mexican flag besides mine.

I appreciate the comment and hope to your liking my Me262, I put myself at your service and all the comments, doubts, recommendations and suggestions are welcome.

Un saludo grande hasta la bella tierra "Hidrocálida"!!

Seguimos en contacto.

Luis Carlos
Hello again and thank you for your visits ...

Take a space to show the pictures ...

Detailing the seat base ....

In a first stage of metallic colors:

- For the cones that are on the ends of the turbibas (do not know the correct names) I used my Alclad II colors in a mixture of 3: 1 Polished Aluminium and Steel
- All weapons compartment and 50mm cannon in steel color.

Other pieces await rightful metallic tone.

In fact, the kit includes two turbines to show naked and 2 sealed, so I decided to do the two naked turbines, but one will be mounted on the plane and the other will display on a stand or truck transport (I don t know yet ). And I decided to do first one (which will be on the plane) so I can make the second, once I've experienced with the first
... a first detail that I encountered is that I should join first the 2 turbine parts and disappear the binding with a little sanding and putty if necessary. For what I should first paint these cones, then join the two halves, sanding and polishing the junction, adding external parts that comprise it and then start painting ... and I would have avoided this union so notorious ...

So you have to do things right and not take the chance to break any of the mini pieces ... I started filing and sanding carefully, I added a bit of putty and tomorrow I can sharpen it again to repeat the black (I have planned to do with the slightly thinned paint - except your best opinion-)...

I began to detail the interior of the cabin ... but I leave you with this picture ....

Do you believe in miracles?? ... to manipulate the pedal that is recharged in the match, I did it with tweezers and when I started sanding ... puff !! ... disappears !! .. it flew through the skies and I did not hear nor I could see where it landed! ... the look on my desk carefully moving everything there ... and I have nothing !, on all fours I looked all over the floor, after a few hours I gave it for lost ...
The next morning I told my lady, I showed her where I sought ... and on a table behind my chair, where I have some books ... there it was in sight !!

Beginners luck!!

Hasta pronto!!
Gracias mis amigos por sus halagos!

Hello again, several details and have been trying to mend some errors ...

Upon finishing the turbine joints, I damaged cones previously painted!

So I decided to paint everything black again and then repaint aluminum cones ... I have an idea of ​​how to do it (at the time I share the photos)

Another obstacle was that I broke the plastic lever that is on the left console command ... and I replaced with a piece of wire ...

The front panel is well detailed and the different pictures that I have I give me the time to test my pulse and patience !! ...

I added a piece of styrene for a briefcase and dry fit rode the seat and the structure that supports the back.

As the seat has an inclination angle but does not touch the rear structure; with a toothpick and Tamiya tape I gave the required distance and then I applied Tamiya Extra Thin to hinge for it locks at the correct distance.

the back of the cabin was complete ...

... Here all the pieces that belong the cockpit, once applied the primer, waiting for the color that I will use to paint.

... A "closeup" to the side and the front panel consoles, ... still missing some details and washes ...

I will continue ...

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