Member Mug Shots (continued)

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Well, since dear ol' Cripps wants to see more of me I can't very well disappoint, now can I? ;)
(Pssst, the cheque is in the mail Cripps. :-")

Here's one of me in the North Nova Scotia Highland Regiment, in 1944. :toothy5:


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Nonskimmer said:
Well, since dear ol' Cripps wants to see more of me I can't very well disappoint, now can I? ;)
(Pssst, the cheque is in the mail Cripps. :-")

Here's one of me in the North Nova Scotia Highland Regiment, in 1944. :toothy5:

ummmm!!!!! and yet you still look 17 today....amazing, what's your secret NS :lol:

More pictures please lads.... I don't post much now and reading gets a bit boring at more pics... keep an old gal happy ;)
I have insomnia right now anyhow because of my quit smoking drugs that I am on. Which is good because I have to keep getting up and finding my new Python before she gets eaten by my snake. She is a good escape artist.

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