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I've noticed that the college crowd asks a question that they could have googled, and then is never heard of again...
And yes, we probably scare off a few, but "eff" 'em, Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Would be nice if some of the 'College crowd', who ask a question because they're too darned lazy to do their own research, would say 'Thank you' when they get the answer they're looking for ..... but then, that takes the effort of typing, so ............
I don't scare anyone, we all know that, it's the voices in me head that does the scaring....oh shut it....I said what you wanted me to...leave me alone, I don't want to do that.....go my fingers in them holes in the wall before, might be slow, but I'm not stupid....not doing it again....yes I know that he has a Wildcat obsession.....go away....
I really have my doubts about some of those "guests" being college students...

This site strives for historical accuracy, fact-finding, free exchange of ideas based on published data (and the occasional spirited debate regarding the world's best beer) all of which have nothing to do with liberal arts, historical revisionism, slanted global warming statistics or how to operate a french-fry cooker...

Maybe if we lure them in with an A to Z thread for bacon, plus it endless usefulness.....on the other hand, maybe that isn't meaty enough...
Terry could have an in depth thread about.the Wildcat... Njaco something for the Poptart connoisseur and so on.....
Some people are a bit shy I suppose.
Take the plunge I say, what have you got to lose?
Apart from the odd bit of misinterpreted humour its fun in here

HOI... bring back that door key you ****ing ****

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