This past weekend, we took a mini family vacation to Omaha to go to the Zoo, and on Sunday, my dad and I headed to the SAC Air Museum. Took a ton of photos as best I could with my little point and shoot. Here are a few!
#1-View from outside the front entrance. You can make out the outlines of the SR71 in the front glass area.
#2-Here is the view that awaits you when you walk in the front doors.
#3-Another view of the SR71. I had no idea how big this plane was until I walked under it for the first time. It is a truly big plane.
#4-Here is a view inside the #1 hangar. They have some very large planes crammed into this hanger.
#5-Another view. They have a very good collection here. I was really surprised how much diversity they hand on display.
#6-Here is the S.A.C emblem.
#7-B-36 Peacemaker. There was noway I was going to fit this monster in one shot inside the hanger. This is a huge plane!
#8-Here is a internal view of a Wright R1820 Cyclone. They had several motors like this display.
#9-Here is a very cool Avro Vulcan.
#10-They have one of the Goblin experimentals. Pretty cool to see one in person.