Michael ( Parsifal ) passed away

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Not much I can add to what you've all said so eloquently, except this really hurts, Mike was an excellent resource, gentleman and friend that I never got to meet face to face. He was patient with my questions and ALWAYS conducted himself here as a gentleman and a scholar. I cannot count the books and articles I've been exposed to because of his kindly suggestions.

My condolences to his family, as much as it hurts us here, the pain of loss is ten fold for them and I wish them all the best.
You are all quite welcome.
Anyone from the forum have been asked to attend, if possible.
I think family are quite moved by the reactions here on the forum, we are family.

It's about a four hour drive, leaving about 6am and returning in the evening.
Annie, my wife, will be riding with me, she's reluctant to drive a LS V8!
Plus she just doesn't trust me to drive 8 hours in a day, but it's not an interstate so plenty of rest stops.
Sad news. I've been really busy and haven't been on in awhile. I'm going to miss his contributions to the forum.

Blue Skies Mike
Last year we lost two Pacific Theater stalwarts, Henry Sakaida (only 57) and Jim Lansdale, 78. Previously there was quite a bit of discussion about The Next Generation of WW II historians, as they're thin on the ground. I have a longtime, much younger, friend who's still working on his PhD while guiding battlefield tours but otherwise it's hard to find serious newcomers to the field. I'm 70 and among the kids in the crowd I've known for so long...

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