Military Memories

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
Well now that I am not longer on Active Duty service in the Army I thought it would be nice to post some pictures as memories.

Series 1


  • Wings getting pinned1.JPG
    Wings getting pinned1.JPG
    35.8 KB · Views: 670
  • Hohenzollern castle hawk.JPG
    Hohenzollern castle hawk.JPG
    28.8 KB · Views: 665
  • P9190176.JPG
    58.9 KB · Views: 662
  • Picture 006.jpg
    Picture 006.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 660
  • Picture 011.jpg
    Picture 011.jpg
    49.4 KB · Views: 656
  • German Sunrise.JPG
    German Sunrise.JPG
    28.7 KB · Views: 653
Series 2


  • Blackhawk in the snow somewhere in Kosovo - February 6, 2003.jpg
    Blackhawk in the snow somewhere in Kosovo - February 6, 2003.jpg
    49.3 KB · Views: 605
  • Big Duke 2 - Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo - Nov. 10, 2002.JPG
    Big Duke 2 - Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo - Nov. 10, 2002.JPG
    30.4 KB · Views: 818
  • Bavarian Pole 2 at Toplican, Kosovo 2003.JPG
    Bavarian Pole 2 at Toplican, Kosovo 2003.JPG
    45 KB · Views: 629
  • A Blackhawk in flight with the mountains in the background - Kosovo.JPG
    A Blackhawk in flight with the mountains in the background - Kosovo.JPG
    34.8 KB · Views: 673
  • 7500ft. up Big Duke, Kosovo.JPG
    7500ft. up Big Duke, Kosovo.JPG
    29.5 KB · Views: 619
  • Children wondering whats going on 3 - LZ Candlestick, Kosovo 2003.JPG
    Children wondering whats going on 3 - LZ Candlestick, Kosovo 2003.JPG
    69.2 KB · Views: 613
  • Christmas day party in the hanger 2.JPG
    Christmas day party in the hanger 2.JPG
    41.7 KB · Views: 600
  • cox 006.jpg
    cox 006.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 576
  • cox 010.jpg
    cox 010.jpg
    28.8 KB · Views: 571
  • cox 012.jpg
    cox 012.jpg
    51 KB · Views: 582
  • DCP_0134.JPG
    46.3 KB · Views: 531
  • cox 024.jpg
    cox 024.jpg
    43.4 KB · Views: 560
  • cox 022.jpg
    cox 022.jpg
    44.4 KB · Views: 569
  • cox 016.jpg
    cox 016.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 580
  • cox 014.jpg
    cox 014.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 628
  • DCP_0603.JPG
    52.1 KB · Views: 546
  • DCP_0678.JPG
    41 KB · Views: 524
  • Doing the Iwo Jima thing 2.JPG
    Doing the Iwo Jima thing 2.JPG
    42.4 KB · Views: 544
  • donkey1.JPG
    49.9 KB · Views: 619
  • Drew Carrie with the Knighthawk sticker.JPG
    Drew Carrie with the Knighthawk sticker.JPG
    36.6 KB · Views: 548
Series 3


  • Formation flight of Pristina, Kosovo 2 - Nov. 20, 2002.JPG
    Formation flight of Pristina, Kosovo 2 - Nov. 20, 2002.JPG
    28 KB · Views: 578
  • Duke.jpg
    39.6 KB · Views: 515
  • DSCF0003.JPG
    45.9 KB · Views: 536
  • DSC_0002.jpg
    59.3 KB · Views: 528
  • DSC00032.JPG
    59.1 KB · Views: 522
  • Hawk of Kosovo.JPG
    Hawk of Kosovo.JPG
    28.2 KB · Views: 508
  • Hawk at sunset.jpg
    Hawk at sunset.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 514
  • hawk4.jpg
    31.1 KB · Views: 503
  • German UH-1 near Dakovica, Kosovo Jan. 8, 2003 -2.JPG
    German UH-1 near Dakovica, Kosovo Jan. 8, 2003 -2.JPG
    39.1 KB · Views: 513
  • German crew. - 2.JPG
    German crew. - 2.JPG
    38.8 KB · Views: 499
  • Hawk sunset.JPG
    Hawk sunset.JPG
    37.4 KB · Views: 511
  • Infantry coming into the helicopter - Kosovo.JPG
    Infantry coming into the helicopter - Kosovo.JPG
    17.4 KB · Views: 499
  • kids.jpg
    68.4 KB · Views: 495
  • Macedonian Hind.JPG
    Macedonian Hind.JPG
    45.9 KB · Views: 488
  • me.jpg
    66.1 KB · Views: 475
  • Me sitting in the cockpit of a French Puma 2 - Mostar, Bosnia - Oct. 28, 2002.JPG
    Me sitting in the cockpit of a French Puma 2 - Mostar, Bosnia - Oct. 28, 2002.JPG
    60.4 KB · Views: 494
  • Me and friends.JPG
    Me and friends.JPG
    51.1 KB · Views: 483
  • Me-2.JPG
    46.6 KB · Views: 480
  • Me in front of a Blackhawk 2 - Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo - Nov. 11, 2002.JPG
    Me in front of a Blackhawk 2 - Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo - Nov. 11, 2002.JPG
    49.3 KB · Views: 515
  • Me stading in the snow - Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo - Dec. 7, 2002.JPG
    Me stading in the snow - Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo - Dec. 7, 2002.JPG
    61.8 KB · Views: 612
Some nice young lasses there. Did you get lucky?

Im married....

Besides is that how someone who wants to be a priest should be talking?

Anyhow Series 4


  • Me, Garcia and Lt. Gross with some Spanish aviators - Skopce, Macedonia.JPG
    Me, Garcia and Lt. Gross with some Spanish aviators - Skopce, Macedonia.JPG
    50.7 KB · Views: 481
  • Me with some kids in Kaminicha.JPG
    Me with some kids in Kaminicha.JPG
    59.8 KB · Views: 461
  • Me with Playmate Gena Lee Nolan.JPG
    Me with Playmate Gena Lee Nolan.JPG
    28.3 KB · Views: 552
  • Me with Big Duke in the background - Camp Bondstee, Kosovo - Nov. 10, 2002.JPG
    Me with Big Duke in the background - Camp Bondstee, Kosovo - Nov. 10, 2002.JPG
    50.8 KB · Views: 495
  • Me standing with some German aviators at Toplicane, Kosovo.JPG
    Me standing with some German aviators at Toplicane, Kosovo.JPG
    48.7 KB · Views: 554
  • PC090011.JPG
    69.1 KB · Views: 476
  • PB250032.JPG
    63 KB · Views: 467
  • PB250019.JPG
    75.7 KB · Views: 488
  • Over the clouds 21.JPG
    Over the clouds 21.JPG
    26.3 KB · Views: 475
  • nightsnow.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 457
  • PC260052.JPG
    41.9 KB · Views: 464
  • Snow fueler.jpg
    Snow fueler.jpg
    43.5 KB · Views: 517
  • Still and Bohne at Prizren.jpg
    Still and Bohne at Prizren.jpg
    59.8 KB · Views: 478
  • Swedish Soldiers posing in front of the Blackhawk 2.jpg
    Swedish Soldiers posing in front of the Blackhawk 2.jpg
    56.8 KB · Views: 725
  • UH-60 Blackhawk at Urosivec, Kosovo - Dec. 20, 2002.JPG
    UH-60 Blackhawk at Urosivec, Kosovo - Dec. 20, 2002.JPG
    67.7 KB · Views: 479
Series 5


  • 101404_iraq4.jpg
    18.4 KB · Views: 435
  • 7.JPG
    31.7 KB · Views: 440
  • 6.JPG
    22.6 KB · Views: 443
  • 3.JPG
    17.6 KB · Views: 461
  • 1.JPG
    71.5 KB · Views: 472
  • Birdstrike7.JPG
    56.5 KB · Views: 851
  • baghadad houses.jpg
    baghadad houses.jpg
    73.1 KB · Views: 459
  • babylon placace.jpg
    babylon placace.jpg
    42.7 KB · Views: 448
  • AH-1W-2.JPG
    30.9 KB · Views: 449
  • AH-1W.JPG
    23.2 KB · Views: 451
  • bone yard.JPG
    bone yard.JPG
    62.2 KB · Views: 501
  • Can I be any happier.JPG
    Can I be any happier.JPG
    57.6 KB · Views: 442
  • close over palms.jpg
    close over palms.jpg
    35.8 KB · Views: 445
  • cobra.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 436
  • cox.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 440
  • DSC00545.JPG
    37.5 KB · Views: 435
  • Downtown Tikrit 2.JPG
    Downtown Tikrit 2.JPG
    68.7 KB · Views: 438
  • destroyed iraqi tank.JPG
    destroyed iraqi tank.JPG
    47.9 KB · Views: 477
  • DCP_0015.JPG
    32.8 KB · Views: 456
  • DCP_0003.JPG
    44 KB · Views: 449
  • Fire in Baghdad2.JPG
    Fire in Baghdad2.JPG
    56.9 KB · Views: 427
  • full in the back.jpg
    full in the back.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 434
  • Fully loaded but we can take more.JPG
    Fully loaded but we can take more.JPG
    40.1 KB · Views: 405
  • gates to green zone.jpg
    gates to green zone.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 413
Series 6


  • Kuwaiti Oil Fields.JPG
    Kuwaiti Oil Fields.JPG
    61.5 KB · Views: 399
  • kighthawk lane.jpg
    kighthawk lane.jpg
    32.6 KB · Views: 415
  • iranian tank.JPG
    iranian tank.JPG
    46.3 KB · Views: 440
  • HOT!!!!!!!!!.JPG
    18.6 KB · Views: 434
  • guns.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 430
  • lines.jpg
    67.2 KB · Views: 410
  • low over river.jpg
    low over river.jpg
    20.2 KB · Views: 389
  • Me aka Napoleon.JPG
    Me aka Napoleon.JPG
    33.1 KB · Views: 397
  • Me right before flight to Babylon, Iraq - Apr. 17, 2004.JPG
    Me right before flight to Babylon, Iraq - Apr. 17, 2004.JPG
    32.8 KB · Views: 397
  • Me with Iraqi Kids.JPG
    Me with Iraqi Kids.JPG
    44.5 KB · Views: 388
  • OH-58D.JPG
    26.8 KB · Views: 384
  • Myself flying over the desert in Kuwait - Feb. 20, 2004-2.JPG
    Myself flying over the desert in Kuwait - Feb. 20, 2004-2.JPG
    51.5 KB · Views: 383
  • Mobile 105 mm.JPG
    Mobile 105 mm.JPG
    35.1 KB · Views: 382
  • Mild Sandstorm at Camp Udarie, Kuwait - Feb. 11, 2004.JPG
    Mild Sandstorm at Camp Udarie, Kuwait - Feb. 11, 2004.JPG
    25.7 KB · Views: 381
  • mig 25.jpg
    mig 25.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 382
  • Roadsign on Highway 80 through the Kuwaiti desert - Feb. 20, 2004.JPG
    Roadsign on Highway 80 through the Kuwaiti desert - Feb. 20, 2004.JPG
    37 KB · Views: 380
  • Posing with a Marine UH-1N Huey, check out the 50 cal, Camp Udarie, Kuwait - Feb. 21, 20042.JPG
    Posing with a Marine UH-1N Huey, check out the 50 cal, Camp Udarie, Kuwait - Feb. 21, 20042.JPG
    45.9 KB · Views: 390
  • Polish Mi-8 Hip at the ruins of Babylon, Iraq - Feb. 27, 2004.JPG
    Polish Mi-8 Hip at the ruins of Babylon, Iraq - Feb. 27, 2004.JPG
    42.1 KB · Views: 388
  • Polish Mi-4 at the ruins of Babylon, Iraq - Feb. 27, 2004.JPG
    Polish Mi-4 at the ruins of Babylon, Iraq - Feb. 27, 2004.JPG
    57.8 KB · Views: 391
  • Picture 002.jpg
    Picture 002.jpg
    41.9 KB · Views: 387
  • Russian Hind.JPG
    Russian Hind.JPG
    24.9 KB · Views: 397
  • Sadams Palace in Tikirt 5.JPG
    Sadams Palace in Tikirt 5.JPG
    42.8 KB · Views: 387
    48.5 KB · Views: 393
  • saddams swords.JPG
    saddams swords.JPG
    70 KB · Views: 398
  • Saddams Temple at Babylon, Iraq 2 - Apr. 17, 2004.JPG
    Saddams Temple at Babylon, Iraq 2 - Apr. 17, 2004.JPG
    35.6 KB · Views: 390
Series 7


  • tikrit palace 2.jpg
    tikrit palace 2.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 395
  • That must have been living.JPG
    That must have been living.JPG
    51.6 KB · Views: 384
  • t-72 tank 1.jpg
    t-72 tank 1.jpg
    42 KB · Views: 383
  • sun rise.JPG
    sun rise.JPG
    11.7 KB · Views: 393
  • sandstorm.JPG
    19.1 KB · Views: 390
  • tikrit palace lake1.jpg
    tikrit palace lake1.jpg
    28.8 KB · Views: 388
  • two hawks1.jpg
    two hawks1.jpg
    43.7 KB · Views: 383
  • UH-1N.JPG
    39.1 KB · Views: 383
  • WWE2.JPG
    62.5 KB · Views: 375
Series 8


  • DCP_0737.JPG
    67.9 KB · Views: 375
  • DCP_0661.JPG
    38.8 KB · Views: 364
  • DCP_0658.JPG
    37.6 KB · Views: 357
  • DCP_0652.JPG
    29.3 KB · Views: 367
  • DCP_0651.JPG
    38.6 KB · Views: 356
  • DCP_0741.JPG
    42.2 KB · Views: 379
  • DCP_0753.JPG
    17.5 KB · Views: 360
  • DCP_0754.JPG
    32.1 KB · Views: 353
  • DSC00158.JPG
    33.4 KB · Views: 373
  • inflight.JPG
    59.7 KB · Views: 357
  • P4180029.JPG
    8.9 KB · Views: 362
  • P4180017.JPG
    40.7 KB · Views: 354
  • P4180012.JPG
    34.9 KB · Views: 359
  • P4180007.JPG
    48.3 KB · Views: 357
  • P4180006.JPG
    33.8 KB · Views: 350
  • promotion to sgt.JPG
    promotion to sgt.JPG
    40.2 KB · Views: 367
  • sling3.JPG
    48.4 KB · Views: 369
Nice collection of pics, Chris. Do yourself a favor and write down who they are in the pictures with you, or 20 years from now you will be trying to remember who that guy was, like I do with some of my old shots.
Great pics Chris, but I have one question for you. I assume the Hot babe in the wedding dress is your did a dog like you land her???

Just kidding Chris amazing pics and even better looking wife. I hope retirement from the military treats you well. Congrats
Looks like the US Army is just the place for an action-packed, useful sort of holiday! What on earth induced you to get out?

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