Miss Universe 2005

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Master Sergeant


  • natalie_glebova_278.jpg
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If you lined up the top ten in front of me you'd hear these words from my mouth.."I'd do her, do her, do her, do her, who hasn't done her? Do her, do her, do her, do her, do her"
Not if we're talking Miss Universe, GrG. ;)

High pressure hoses can work wonders!
plan_D said:
If you lined up the top ten in front of me you'd hear these words from my mouth.."I'd do her, do her, do her, do her, who hasn't done her? Do her, do her, do her, do her, do her"

After the IQ and Bikini Contest, a new add for next year edition : "The Blowjob Contest"... :lol:
And now we introduce a new entry - the girl from the 'Picture Montage Thread!' Yay!

Be careful what you wish for.................. :lol:

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