Mitsubishi A6M8 CGI Project

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Thanks Glenn. It's my honor to have your comment as I'm admiring your P-47 cockpit project!

Image: Seat belt structure
Hi Shinpachi,

This is my first non-lurking post in a year and a half since I signed up. I came across your work while searching for A6M5 references. I really enjoy reading your threads and attaching the pdf files to aide others in design.

Mr. Taizou Nakamura (maybe you know him?) recommended the following books: 零式艦上戦闘機図面集 and 零戦秘録―完全復刻資料・写真集 零式艦上戦闘機取扱説明書

I purchased the books straight from the publishers in Japan. They are hard to find and they had a couple left in their offices. I use them as references too.

However, I found it difficult to recreate the fuselage and wings too. I see the books only show about 4 or 5 rib sections from the wing and fuselage. Everything else we have to guess. I'm not an aero engineer myself, but a 3d artist too.

I was wondering if you have finished the wings for this project and would be willing to release a tracing of the wing drawing similar to your fuselage tracing you released?

Keep up the great work, I look forward in presenting my soon
Thank you very much for your so cordial comment, Rudel.
As Mr.Taizou Nakamura aka A6M232 knows well, I completed the wing structure 10 years ago in my CGI with his advice but was not satisfied with my work accuracy.
This is why I started this thread but will take more time to finish regrettably.

If you are in a hurry, Rudel, I recommend you to refer to photos available in books and internet.
I did so and am going to do so again.

Good luck my friend!

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Thank you Shinpachi.

Impressive work there. Does A6M232 have a profile (side view) of every rib of the wing?

I'm in no hurry. I use those books I bought, and photos. A6M232 knows his stuff The photos are interesting as the wing seems to have a slight arc in it. Only visible at certain angles.

Here's an example from my J2M3a I made: (It is this I hope to accomplish again)

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Excellent work Rudel.
I don't think he had a profile of every rib but a lot of photos. Those taken at Kawaguchiko Museum were most helpful.


PS: I think Mitsubishi holds the full drawings as it enjoys restoration business.

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Just saying, according to Jiro it was successfully introduced for the first time in A5M, to improve the flight performance. He said that the amount of twist was so small that it could not be seen simply by looking at the finished wing of A6M.
Jiro was very proud of it - "After we found it to be effective, we would occasionally say to one another that if Mitsubishi had kept quite about wing tip twist, no one in the industry would have known the secret of our improved dogfight performance."
Thank you MiTasol for your kind post.

If I may speak very frankly -
Because I did not know Zero was so popular outside Japan, I thought I would be able to go on this project at my own pace to enjoy together with members. I did not imagine either that large part of my time was to be taken by such questions like exact measurements of Zero or availability of my own data copies again and again to blow away my interest and concentration on this project.

I have no plan to start this project again but had many good experiences to try other projects like Nagajima Ki-44 etc later.
Take my apology about this project.

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