My FW-190

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Well,there should be no problem to make some markings for the Fw190.But could you tell me what kind of covering is going to cover the model? I mean balsa or paper.What kind of a varnish are you going to use to make it waterproof?
Wurger all: In an attempt to pin down the model of the FW-190, I have
uploaded a part of the plan, showing the "bumps". I have them circled.
Also note the position of the guns. Two MG's on top of the cowling,
two near the wing root and two more outboard of the landing gear.
The one's in the wings are probably cannon. I picked up all of the
RLM colors except the schwarzgrun. That's on order.

Working on it tonight, got the rudder finished. Heard about a new technique
for covering, at the hobby shop, today. I'm going to try it on the rudder
and elevator.

Also note the circle just aft of the black cross. This circle is white with a
black outline around the outside, and a smaller black ring on the inside.
Almost like a British roundel, but the circle is all white.



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Hallo Charles,
Looking at the plan I've noticed it was FW190A3 but not A4 or later ones.So we have to find camo pattern for an early version of The Wurger.Besides the roundel should be omitted,this is my opinion.I don't remember any Wurger with these markings.I know about the only one Fw190A3 which was worn the RAF roundels during its tests at RAE in Farmborough in 1942.It was Lt.Arnim Faber's one of the III./JG2.And during the tests it wore the RAF camo with typical early markings.The RAF number MP499.In the pic below we can see this a/c,the lighter patches on its engine cowling and aft of the roundel are places where the III./JG2 emblem and the yellow "P" letter in yellow circle were early painted .

See you later.


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Wurger: Ok, we have it pinned down to a FW-190A3. I'd like to find a
desert camo for this..... I think it really looks great. The roundel I mention
is not British.... It was all white, with a small black circle in the center.
Must be an outfit or personal marking. I still like the colors of the A4
you put up..... that was really neat. What's the biggest difference in the
A3 and the A4 ?

Wurger, could the roundel be a custom Gruppe IV sumbol or Gruppe Techincal Officer? I know sometimes they changed some markings around.
To be honest I haven't ever seen such a big circle on Fw190s.Even if it was a Gruppe symbol it had enormous diameter.The IV Gruppe had a symbol like in the first uploaded pic.As far as the technical officer symbol is concerned,this always followed a schevron symbol like shown in the second amd third ones.
But I'll check it again.


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Ok, Wurger and Charles, checked a few of my books and found photos of the following:

1. Osprey FW 190 Aces of the Western front by John Weal on page 59 shows a color plate of an FW 190A-3 of Oblt. Moritz, Stflkpn of 11./JG 1 sporting a black roundel with white edging from July 1942.

2. FW 190 at War by Alfred Price on pages 72 and 73 show several B/W photos of a FW 190A-4 of IV Ergaenzungs Gruppe of Schnellkampfgeschwader 10 with a large white roundel near the tail.

3. FW 190; Workhorse of the Luftwaffe by the National Air Space Museum on page 47 shows a B/W photo of a FW 190A-8, unknown unit, that was captured southwest of Bourges, France with a large roundel, possibly black outlined in white, just behind the cockpit.

Maybe these will give a clue as to where we're headed.
1.I don't have the book but I have seen this but don't recall myself the profile.

2. Do you mean the A4 "white or yellow 7" of IV./SKG10 flown by Oberfahnrich Helmut Wenk in Cognac,France 1943?

3.Unfortunately the book is not available in Poland so I cannot tell anything about that.

Ad.2 If yes the circle wasn't as big as the one in the Charles' plane.Generaly, the symbol had a diameter equal in the thickness of the "arm" of the German cross.
I think that the circles in the rest of pics, you have found ,are almost the same.

But nice you 've helped us.THX very much.
You are correct Wurger, that is Henk's plane. The others are similar but the SKG 10 photo is closest. Like I said mybe it was custimized.

And if I had a scanner I could post but oh well.
What's the biggest difference in the
A3 and the A4 ?


The inner difference between A-3 and A-4 was the MW-50 instalation.This system let get the bigger power of the BMW 801 D-2 with the turbo-charger.Certainly it caused that the power of the engine increased at the lower flight levels but also could destroy the BMW engine.The maximal time for running of it was 10 min.Secondly,the new radio-set FuG16 was mounted and it caused the outer difference, at the top of the fin the small mast for the antenna wire appeared.

I've uploade another profile of A-3 in desert camo.For the camouflage were used paints RLM 76/79/80.
Source unknown.


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Like I said mybe it was custimized.

And if I had a scanner I could post but oh well.

Probably you are right,but I have no proof of such big circles as I said.
Also I haven't had any scaner.It is very useful device.I've recently seen at the my mates' computer shop a multidevice for good price ( printer+scaner+something else).
Wurger Chris: I will scan the decals I have with the FW-190 so you
can see this roundel we've been talking about, and put it up tonight. It's
very simular to what wurger put up except the colors are opposite. The
circle is all white, thin black outer ring, and a thin black inner ring
with white inside and positioned aft of the German cross.
Very much like the Technical Officer.

I still wanna do a desert camo....

Nice set of profiles there folks. There was something about the 190 I always liked, don't know what it is exactly..
Looks like it could be a rather realistic looking model, the problem I have found with the ones I have seen in the shops is that they just don't seem to look quite right...


It is not easy to make a full reduced flying model.A maquette has to be very accurate copy of the real plane.Unfortunatel all mistakes and problems that were features of the a/c are increased with the model ten and more times.Therefore the flying models are a bit different from the real ones.But the training makes a master, you know for sure.
Agree with Wurger about the odd style "roundel", it is an incorrectly proportioned marking for starters and based on the description by Charles, I certainly haven't seen the style before, Normal IV Gruppe markings are about half the size depicted.
An A-3 in Desert camo might be a difficult one to find, I think the main supply to this theatre started with the A-4 and the majority of those were in the 74/75/76 Grey scheme.
It would not hurt to simply add the pointed antenna aerial attachment to the top of the rudder and go with an A-4, externally the A-3 and A-4 were much the same, this would then make the 78/79/80 desert scheme of the earlier posted profile a reality....
Wayne: Thanks for your input. Can you give me more info on the antenna
attachment on top of the rudder ? According to what I've seen, there is no
real pointed attachment..... it just hooks up there ! Wurger is trying to
find me a desert camo for the A3. I'd still like to do it in the A4 desert
camo style. We'll see.

Wurger Wayne:

Here are the decals that came with the FW-190. You can see the
white circle. It was positioned on the fuselage, aft of the black cross.



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