My New IL2 Video Research Thread...

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Johnson inherited Bill Martin's "Martin's Gloria". He had seven Iron Crosses (black core/white outline on a red rectangular block). The pictures below are of WR-J in late August/very early sept. This ship was damaged and replaced by the WR-J 44-14089. I don't have the damage report so I can't tell exact date in September.

The fact that the victory crosses are still on it means a relatively short time passed between overpainting Martin's Gloria, the erasing the victory symbols - as Johnson had no credits.

I can't tell for sure but I believe the following. Red trim tab, red 'arrow' w/Martin's Gloria - can't tell color of Martin's Gloria or Sweet Dorsey but inclined to believe yellow when comparing against white cowl band.

Ok, that makes alot of sense now that I see Martin's Johnson just had his art stuck over martin's.

I wonder if we look closer at the patch with the victory crosses, it may have been painted over...

It looks great - I always liked the wavy top camo scheme even though it wasn't widely adopted. There is a good chance Perry's ship would have block letters and no art, less chance but possible that his P-51D would have the wavy camo top.

His crew chief passed away 10 years ago and Perry longer than that so no way I know to verify or challenge Dave's work.

Short answer - I like it

Thanks...I tried to make a calculated guess there, based on the age of the aircraft's service and went with the top camo which seemed to be "in" for a short period of time...

Good enough.... So how many does that make now that we(you) have done now Dave???

We have a full Yellow flight plus half of Red...

I'm on Johnson's now, and saving the best for last, "Jane III" :thumbright:

Total of 6 completed!

gents doesn't Thunderwagon and the squadron all have the squad white vertical band behind the white prop as ID and not grey as in the skin ?

That's a trick of the light prop Erich, the spinner's white paint is matched by the foreward cowl band, which is white as well... :)
This shot's mostly for Erich's benefit, showing off the white spinner/cowl band, but it's also just a good looking pic!

And yeah, I'm busted...I took a short little break and went-a-killin'

I have to admit, I'm not a real fan of the 'Stang and perhaps it's because I've had far more time in "the other side's" crates. I had to work that freakin' thing like a prom dress to get in some hits. And even then, I was just taking peices out of ' my '190, a quick squirt, and they were down, no mistaking it...

Ah well, fun time's over...back to the skinnin'... :lol:


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Very true Bill, as someone who has seen what a .50 cal round does to the human body, I totally agree....

But for shooting down the Evil Hun in IL2 Stumovik, they suck... Not as badly as the .303 round, but they still suck...

Lol - suspect the gamers didn't like the US aircraft particularly when they designed the game. Can you fly a P-51A?
Been working on Johnson's "Sweet Dorsey"...

I've tried to match the noseart as best as possible, though I am still at a loss as to what was at the end of the words "Sweet Dorsey", which would be about where the letter I and A would have been on Martin's noseart "Martin's Gloria". You can see it's been over-painted, and some of the original color is showing, a lighter red, from what I can tell. The panel above the victories also looks to be black, or close to it. On some older P-51s, they had a similiar panels that had lettering, perhaps pilot and crew chief?

As far as the victories go, it looks like they over-painted the 7 balkan crosses, and I tested a "light" overpaint, though I may make it a bit more solid.

I'll post a screenshot and the black white version I was using to test the coloring against the original...

On the color version, when the screenshot is converted to a .jpg, the colors "bleed" and you loose the effect, but look at the B&W image, and you can see the lighter (original) color showing at the end of the noseart, which mimics the photograph.

Any input, guys?


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And for the heck of it, here's a couple fun shots of Red (minus leader) and Yellow flights...

And no, these shots are not photoshopped, they were grabbed from a test mission I tossed together trying to solve Dan's problem of getting mixed aircraft into a single flight...

They play well together for a few minutes, then all hell breaks loose... :lol:


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  • Yellow_flight.jpg
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Lookin reeeeaaaaalllll good Dave, superb.... I think u got Dorsey figured out pretty good, wait and see what Bill says, but I think u got it....

The flight pics look great.... I have gotten the formation flights down on the game now, it works pretty decently until the 109's dive on the -24's....

Then all hell breaks loose...

Been looking at music and trying to find one that fits is turnin out to be tough... I want something longer to get it all in there.... I have 2 Metallica songs, No Remorse and For Whom The Bell Tolls, as well as Van Halens' Mean Street....

Still goin through my library of tunes....
Lookin reeeeaaaaalllll good Dave, superb.... I think u got Dorsey figured out pretty good, wait and see what Bill says, but I think u got it....

The flight pics look great.... I have gotten the formation flights down on the game now, it works pretty decently until the 109's dive on the -24's....

Then all hell breaks loose...

Been looking at music and trying to find one that fits is turnin out to be tough... I want something longer to get it all in there.... I have 2 Metallica songs, No Remorse and For Whom The Bell Tolls, as well as Van Halens' Mean Street....

Still goin through my library of tunes....

Wagner - Ride of the Valkeries" ??

Or This one which came out of Arthur with Clive Owen
Craig Baker's F-105 Site, The Awesome Thunderchief

There were several in Gladiator

Dave - Excellent
And for the heck of it, here's a couple fun shots of Red (minus leader) and Yellow flights...

And no, these shots are not photoshopped, they were grabbed from a test mission I tossed together trying to solve Dan's problem of getting mixed aircraft into a single flight...

They play well together for a few minutes, then all hell breaks loose... :lol:

i really like the bottom one.
I dunno Bill, I need something with more kick and sequence.... Take a listen to For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metalllica.... I need a 4 1/2 - 5 minute song...

I see the difference.. I do like this.

Have you ever listened to the Victory at Sea score - it has every emotion and visual you might think of also.

I have always seen the escort fighters in music as ornery dogs moving their majestic flock of tough but somewhat fragile cape bufs into new and dangerous pasture - The music is majestic and orderly, precise but powerful.

In V@S it would be the DE's escorting the Convoys

then turning into ravenous wolves (or wolfhounds) when they discover poachers - here the music would be completely about the danger sensed, the purpose discoved, the chase and the clash of the prey/predators in god like battles between pairs and singles

In V@S it might be the attack on the convoy by a wolfpack of subs and the DE's racing to destroy them

until - the sky is clear and the music is alert but slows down to a melody of calm (I think Ride of the Valkeries/Victory at Sea has a lot of all of this) as some of the shepards return to the herd, and the herd moves to the new pasture

and so on... until

This is where the herd of Cape Bufs Cr#p all over the neighbors lawn. I don't have music for this
were the B models flown on the September 44 mission or just D's ?

E ~ Yes to B's. Everything displayed in just the two flights as a mix are exactly as flown on 9/11.

WR-P was lost on this mission to flak and WR-Y was lost next day near Eberswalde.

At least 7 (edit) B/C's were still flying combat Ops through last mission on 25 April, 1945, and a total of 12 were lost in combat/accidents from Jan 1, 1945 through June 45

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