My Spitfire factory

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Great trio of Spit. They look great. How many Spitfire are you going to build?


Thanks for the compliment. God, I dunno... a billion? I don't think I'll ever run out of options and I think it's impossible to get tired of seeing that silhouette. I have about 15 in the stash and I've just worked out about a further dozen inbound, as well as countless decal options. Seriously, it's getting ridiculous. I'm starting to see Spitfires in my sleep.

I fully understand you. As part of our whole collection my father many years ago made the Spitfire subcollection. At that time we didn't have the size of information that we have now and therefore he didn't made more.
Now a have at least 10 more Spitfire to include in our sub collection.

Here is an article of our Spitfires. I hope you like it.
2) Modelling for a Lifetime, A Story About the Ultimate Spitfire Collection
Modelling for a Lifetime - A Story About the Ultimate Spitfire Collection

Hey Santiago... I've already seen your Spitfire sub-collection - in fact you (and your dad) are one of the reasons I decided to specialise in the Spit! I didn't make the connection. See this thread for the background:

Great to hear from you (I might ask for a few tips along the way...)

I'm not limiting myself to RAF so there is a huge amount of variety that I can take advantage of. Yesterday evening I decided to list all the kits I have in my stash/incoming and plan what to do with each. If anyone's interested, this is what I came up with (it might, and probably will, change along the way). There's enough there to keep me busy for at least a year, maybe 18 months.

Manufacturer Type Marque/variant Intended project

wip Italeri Spitfire Mk IX Royal Air Force/Free France Air Force 329 Sqn MK959 5A-K (OOB)
wip MPM Spitfire PR Mk XI Unites States Army Air Force 14 PS, 7PG PA842 (OOB)
1 Kopro Spitfire Mk VIII Royal Australian Air Force A58-46 CR-C (Clive Caldwell) (OOB)
2 Italeri Spitfire Mk Vb Royal Air Force 145 Sqn. EE781 ZX-A
3 Fujimi Spitfire FR Mk 14 E "RAF in Germany" Royal Indian Air Force Advanced Flying School TP339
4 Revell Spitfire Mk Vb Royal Air Force 41 Sqn. EB-W (night fighter)
5 Airfix Spitfire PR Mk XIX Royal Air Force 681 Sqn. PM574
6 Italeri Spitfire Mk IX Israeli Defence Force 101 Sqn. "white 26"
7 Italeri Spitfire Mk IX Egyptian Air Force 664 L
8 Italeri Spitfire Mk IX Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight MK356 Z1-V
9 Jays Seafire Mk 47 TBC (probable OOB)
10 Italeri Spitfire Mk Vb Soviet 57 GIAP EP210 "white 538"
11 Airfix Spitfire PR Mk XIX Swedish Air Force 1st Divn. 31040 (OOB)
12 PM Spitfire Mk Vb Floatplane Royal Air Force prototype W3760 (possible hybrid with other kit)
13 Airfix Spitfire Mk Vc Royal Australian Air Force 79 Sqn. UP-T (OOB)
14 Tamiya Spitfire Mk Vb United States Army Air Force 307 FS ER180 MX-P
15 Fujimi Spitfire F Mk 14 E "Air Race" Royal Air Force 41 Sqn. Kings Cup Air Race (OOB)
16 MPM Spitfire PR Mk XI Luftwaffe captured - T9-EK
17 Airfix Spitfire PR Mk XIX Royal Air Force 81 Sqn. PS852
18 KP Spitfire LF Mk Ixe Czech Air Force AL 628 HL
19 Airfix Spitfire Mk IX United States Army Air Force WZ-JJ
20 Airfix Spitfire Mk Vc Royal South African Air Force 2 Sqn 7 Wing (OOB)
21 Kopro Spitfire F Mk Ixc Italian Air Force MA 617 51o Stormo
22 Kopro Spitfire Mk VIII United States Army Air Force HL-K
23 Airfix Spitfire Mk Vc Royal Navy Seafire 309 FAS MB113 6H-B Operation Torch (conversion)
Fujimi Spitfire F Mk 14 E "Red Lion" TBC
Fujimi Spitfire FR Mk 14 E "Fighter Recon" TBC (probable OOB)
Heller Spitfire Mk XVI TBC
Jays Seafire Mk XV TBC (probable OOB)
Xtrakit Spitfire Mk XII TBC
Kopro Spitfire Mk VII "Spirit of Kent" TBC

I'd like to keep a strong representation from the RAF/FAA (British 'plane, after all) but also contributions from Australia, India, Israel, Egypt, the USSR, Sweden, the US, Czechoslovakia, South Africa, Italy and even Germany!
Bloody hell, Tony, that's a hell of a collection!

If you want to do some conversions to the obscure marks (Prototype K5054, speed Spitfire, etc) let me know - I have spare vacform canopies for them.
Bloody hell, Tony, that's a hell of a collection!

If you want to do some conversions to the obscure marks (Prototype K5054, speed Spitfire, etc) let me know - I have spare vacform canopies for them.

Well for a month's work it's probably a bit over the top... most of them are hiding up in the loft at the moment. I did have a stash of various kits that I flogged off on ebay though.

In and among I would like to do the prototype so I might take you up on that... don't hold your breath though! Would also like to do a Supermarine S.6 along the way as that was kind of where it all began.

It is nice to see that our models inspired others modellers. Many thanks for mentioned our article in your original post.
We are in the process of doing something similar now with the Hawker Hurricane. I have already selected 100 models. This year we also finished our CAC sub colection.

We still have most part of the material used on the Spitfire project so let us know if you need help.

Kind regards
Nice work mate. I had a fair collection of Spits in 1/48th scale at one time, but most went to museums or relatives' kids when I moved house years ago. So, I'm starting over again, in 1/48th and 1/32nd scales - problem is, lack of room!!!
Nice work mate. I had a fair collection of Spits in 1/48th scale at one time, but most went to museums or relatives' kids when I moved house years ago. So, I'm starting over again, in 1/48th and 1/32nd scales - problem is, lack of room!!!

Look forward to seeing some of them. 48 and 32 - real men's scales!

Cheers Evan - will definitely do that one along the way - but for now I'm not buying any more kits, otherwise the wife will, in a very real and literal sense, murder me in cold blood.
Won't tell you how much but seriously it was bite-his-hand-off territory... the two SAM reference books alone make this a great buy

But the missus ain't gonna be happy. She went into the loft the other day (why did she go in the loft? She never goes in the loft!) and discovered the full horror of The Stash...

Still, could be worse, I could be this guy!

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Another one off the production line!

This is a PR XI flown by the USAAF. One thing you can say about the Yanks, they never took a Spit and made it look dowdy! Haven't been able to track down anyperiod photos of this particular kite, there is evidence to suggest that she spent at least some of her life in all-over PRU blue. Anyway, it's essentially out of the box.

This is the MPM kit from the Czech Rep. Not without its challenges, fair bit of tidying up to do with the bits and pieces but generally a very good fit. The camera port holes require drilling and I messed that up and ended up grafting in a spare bit of XIX from an Airfix kit. Pity you can see the blu-tac that this chunk is sitting on.

The decals were a bit of a mare, very nicely printed but leapt off the paper for fun and I had to get the postioning right first time otherwise they softened up and even the slightest nudge with a wet brush... smush. I wrote off several stencils and a tail marking in this way. Fortunately I had a "spare" decal sheet - got another kit of the same in the stash, earmarked to be the Luftwaffe captured PR XI, I figured when the Luftwaffe overpainted in green/yellow that put paid to the stencils so...

The undercarriage looks a bit stumpy somehow. Maybe the extra slipper tank creates this illusion, or maybe it's genuinely short.

Just realised I haven't put the little underwing antenna gizmo on yet...

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