My works 1st Annual Car show

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Master Sergeant
Nov 21, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
We had a good turnout, and a good assortment of cars. 35-40 cars ended up showing up. Everyone seemed to enjoy the cruise and the show. We are all ready talking about ways to improve on the show and make it more enjoyable for those in attendance.The gentleman in the 4th picture brought out his street rod, and his dirt track dwarf car. He took the dwarf car out on the entire cruise. He won the Special Interest award.


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That was a nice car ABW. The highlight of the show for me was having 2 Hudson Hornets show up, one was a convertible. Pretty cool old cars.
Finally got some pics posted for anyone interested. Hope to see more people make it next year. Think things went very good considering we only had a month to plan this event after the departure of my jackass ex boss Dave. Dave had been kicking a show around for a year with nothing to show for it. Below is a link to the pics. Next year will be even better and more polished.

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