Nakajima Ki-44 CGI Project

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Feb 17, 2008
This is my new CGI project for the Nakajima Ki-44 single-engined interceptor to build up its all structure.

As a first step, I have been struggling with its outer skin to decide its accurate airframe shape for a couple of months as the 3-view drawings introduced in aviation magazines like Maru Mechanic and FAOTW are pretty different each other.

After several attempts of tracing them, my conclusion was to forget them once and rely on the photos showing original state of airframe like the wind tunnel wooden model which was made by Nakajima Aircraft in 1938 and many other old times pictures as well as IJA operation manual which shows measurements and is available at JACAR - Japan Center for Asian Historical Records. I think I have cleared the first step now.

It would take more than a year for me to complete all work but your kind and good patience would be highly helpful and appreciated. Thank you very much.

Photos and images of my work till I decided the airframe shape which I believe is most accurate one available at the moment.

1. Original wind tunnel model of the Ki-44
2. Tracing the model in 3D processing
3. Reproduced image of Ki-44 in CGI
4. Montage image
5. Comparison with the tracing of Maru Mechanic magazine
6. Comparison with the tracing of Famous Airplanes of the World magazine.
7. Comparison with the tracing of actual Ki-44-II photo


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I agree that you are better off to forget about the other magazines and go by what you can actually see from photos. But one year! No, we will give you 2 weeks! ha ha ha. I'm just kidding, of course. I look forward to watching your progression with this new project and your fantastic work.
I will be following this with a lot of interest Shinpachi, I think your 3D modelling is excellent !
Shinpachi :shock: It is a very interesting project ahead.

I am now in the final stages of a Nakajima A6M2-N type-2 float plane fighter (RUFE). I read a little about Nakajina Aircraft factory and developed interesting models. I have enjoyed assembling my Nakajima.

The photos of the original wooden models for wind tunnels is amazing !! :thumbright:
The way you will depart from zero and the support of 3D images, will be of great learning.

I will follow up with pleasure.


Luis Carlos
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Thank you very much for the kind comments, Thor, Siddley, Wojtek, David, Luis Carlos, herman1rg, Gnomey and Crimea River! :)

To compare the wind tunnel model/old photos with the conventional drawings,

1. The nose is a little longer and the tail is a little shorter.
2. Cowling is a little thicker.
3. Side curve of the fuselage around the cockpit is gentler.



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Fantastic Shinpachi, I am so pleased that you are starting a new project. I made five skins of the Nakajima for IL2 at Axis allies Paint Works, it is a beautiful aircraft and a great fighter. I am looking forward to following your progress.
Thanks Gnomey and Merv for kind comments.

Researching the airframe of Ki-44 in my CGI, I am frankly being surprised at its ugliness of appearance unlike other slender fighters.
It would have looked as if a flying carrot.


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