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Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers.

This site and all the wonderful people on it have REALLY helped me a lot over the last year and I look forward to being a part of this for many years to come.

I also want to thank the Mods and Admins for running out the negative folks that seem to be so prevalent on similar sites, I just couldn't handle that this last year.
Hawkeye, i cannot understand anyone being negative, loss/grief are common to all humankind we all have or will suffer it. know that there are many of us here and elsewhere who know, as much as one human can ever know another, what you are going through and we are here any time

I am speaking about my perception of OTHER forums and my comments are not related to my loss. I had posted to several forums when I first started about a year ago and found that most have several very negative "experts" who seem to think their job is to critque in the most negative terms possible. I have found that the comments on this forum usually take the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism angle, all of this is just my opinion.
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Hawkeye, please forgive me, i did not completely understand your post. i'm a new guy here and this is really the only forum i've had contact with so this place seems "the way it should be" . like you i've found this place to be one of the most helpful places i've ever dealt with. again please forgive my misunderstanding

Heh. This site IS "the way it should be". Sadly, though, that's not true with a good portion of other sites. There are a lot of people out there who love to feel/act superior when their knowledge on a particular subject is just a smidge greater than yours. That, or their Google skillz are up to the challenge. Either way, they love to belittle and put down those who aren't as widely educated or up to their own lofty standards. Screw em.
Heh. I chatted on a site once (met my wife there, actually!, it wasn't Russian....) where this guy actually had a disclaimer in his signature that proclaimed ANYTHING he said was copyrighted as his personal intellectual property, and that to quote him would invoke massive fines and/or jail time. I chuckled the first time I read it...until I realize that he was dead serious. He actually thought that everything he said was pure gospel. At that point, I lost all respect for him, and pretty much ignored anything he happened to say on a thread I was posting on. Others had picked that up, too, but sadly enough, some still tried to argue with him. He was convinced of his own mental superiority even when confronted with solid evidence to the contrary (his statement there was that "_____ was wrong" or mislead by the media or whatever). The problem with idiots like this is that as long as there's a handful of people who will give them the time of day, they will not leave. They have to feel superior to everyone else around them, usually covering for massive insecurities within themselves. Heh. I found its just easier to admit your insecurities and general gaps in knowledge on whatever subject, and then sit back and frikkin LEARN from those who DO know.

Thus, I'm still here on this site!
and another amen from this corner. you hardly ever think that what you have is special until you see elsewhere. as a 20 YO who had grown up in the mid-west and seeing vietnam. then later traveling to E. Germany and Yogoslavia. i'll never, never, never take this country for granted as long as i live
this is an exceptional site and all the people on it are also exceptional and i am thankful to know all of you
Its only as good as the people that participate and by all the comments I would say we're the best!

hawkeye, I hope things are getting better. Anything we can do, just holler!
Its only as good as the people that participate and by all the comments I would say we're the best!

hawkeye, I hope things are getting better. Anything we can do, just holler!

Amen to both. My appologies, Hawkeye, for sidetracking your thread. Just wanted you to know you're amongst friends. Small, blue, four-armed furry friends, but friends nonetheless.
Thanks for all the comments guys, couldn't agree more. I know I am amongst friends and take great pleasure in that (even the furry ones).

I am actually feeling kind of guilty about how well I'm doing. I had a wonderful home life for many years before the desease. We had a LONG time to prepare for the end and I was kind of relieved when it happened. Not that she was a burden but her quality of life was not acceptable to her and I'm glad she didn't linger too long in the very end.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. This is a great site, and I consider everyone here friends of mine that I know I can come to for advice. If you ever need anything "WE" are all here to help you out.

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