Nice and useless: wordcloud of ww2aircraft

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Sep 19, 2006
I was alone at home today and decided to do something useless. I programmed a little webcrawler for this site that can read posts in a thread and make a tagcloud out of it. Not very sophisticated and could be much better I suppose. The clouds were programmed by me in an afternoon, so they are not overly pretty. Pretty useless, but fun.

I give you an example. If you want to know what kind of weather we usually have, I can set the crawler on the thread and I get the following wordcloud:

You can see that it is as often sunny as it is raining. Little less snow, and less cloudy.

If you look in the what are you doing today you see that we are 'watching' a lot, Quoting is a major pastime (probably from the
Adjusted the filter a bit. Seems like Maria and Wayne are the only members that cheer us up:

The fixed 'what are you doing cloud shows clearly that we mostly drink coffee, and look what appears at the bottom of the cloud... bacon :
Guys, I thought up a little project but I need help.

I could extend my little spider to crawl through a more extended part of the forum and collect as much data as possible. Then get all ww2 aircraft names and make a nice cloud of all aircraft we talk about. Would be interesting I think? We could see which aircraft are mentioned the most.

Now I would need a list of as much ww2 aircraft possible, including their nicknames. I thought people could help me with that. Maybe I should make a request in the aviation forum where people could notice?

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