NJACO's Crazy, Amazing, Jaw-Dropping Pics

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sleeping berths. those havent been seen on airliners since the 50s!!! hell, luxury like that hasn't been seen on airliners since the 60s!
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BEIJING – Residents on a street in China finally said good riddance Friday to a car, almost completely engulfed by foliage, which has become a social media sensation since it was abandoned a year ago. The old, blue-colored van was dubbed 'Zombie Car' by social media users after it was reportedly left by its owner in a parking space on Peace Road in Huayang village, Sichuan province sometime in 2012. Police tried to remove the vines, but they were so thick and thorny that it was decided the vehicle should be towed away with the green foliage in place – a bizarre sight for other drivers.

Nice shots Chris. The leaves around here are falling off before they turn this year so it's not been very picturesque. I posted a few last week in my photo thread from atop White Top Mountain but the haze and clouds made it difficult to see the colors.

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