Njaco's Image Manipulation

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Dang, mon....you need to be posting these online!!! Some EXCELLENT wallpaper material there! Toss up a couple with P-38s, P-61's or Fokker triplanes (either dragons, castles, or space), and I may have to steal em! :occasion5:
Njaco, this GIMP thing, I have gone to it's website and can't figure out if it's a freeware program. Yes? cheers, Bill
Njaco, this GIMP thing, I have gone to it's website and can't figure out if it's a freeware program. Yes? cheers, Bill

Yep, Freeware, ain't paid a dime. But its taken me about a year to figure out some things to do - which, I assume, should be easier if you can use Photoshop. I had to get used to layers and filters and what it all meant. LOTS of trial and error.
Haven't seen Avatar yet but love the stuff Cameron does.

An Allied one......


  • p51dean.jpg
    135.9 KB · Views: 213
Ok, playing with an idea - not really colorized but image manipulation nonetheless.

A Ju 588?


  • Ju588.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 145

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