Senior Airman
...Well today, he decided he wasn't going and he just sat in the room and said "you can't make me" but they told my parents to leave and I got to have a word with him
after some time i convinced him he needs to get better he said he would go...
Well done for persuading your brother to go Harrison; a great personal achievement to be credited to you.
N4521U said:...Stay close to your siblings so they keep on track. It's like being on an airliner, when the oxygen masks drop, you gotta put your own on first, so you can look after the others.
Loads of very sound advice throughout the thread and, as 'Just Plane Bill' says, remember to look after yourself throughout this. I hope your brother's time away results in success. And when he does return, he'll have to dissociate himself from the 'druggie' crowd and find others with which to share a different set of interests and life goals, of course.
Good luck to you and your family with everything - and - keep us posted.